Most Memorable
Athena's Favorite Missions
Forever in a Day

In this mission Daniel's promise to Kasuf was partially fulfilled. He brought his daughter back to him, however in body only. Sha're was killed when Teal'c was forced to shoot Amonet to save Dr. Jackson. She will be remembered always.
Children of the Gods

This mission is the true beginning of the SGC. When we first began to learn what the Stargate truely meant. When we reunited with old friends and met new enemies. When those past friends were seemingly torn from our future. When Dr. Jackson was given a reason to once again search for answers. When we first truely began to learn what it is to be the hunted, the weak, the inferior...the lowly Tau'ri.

In this mission one of our first new friends made through the Stargate was saved from the Goa'uld Klorel. Kasuf lost both his children to Apophis, Sha're became the host to his mate and Skaa'ra the host to his son. Here the SGC was able to bring his only son home, and now Kasuf has both of his children home.
Thor's Chariot

Here we first got a glimpse of Thor the supreme commander of the Asgard fleet.
Tok'ra Parts I & II

In these two missions the SGC met who would me their most powerful allies against the Goa'uld. Whether it's Jacob/Selmak saving our behinds or Freya/Anise trying out her newest invention or artifact, they are certainly a force to be reckoned with. Alright so most of the time they use us as guinea pigs or fail to tell us all the details but let's face it where would we be without them? Carter wouldn't have such valuable information from Jolinar and Apophis would have finished those massive destuctive ships.

Well who do you think is the most important Tok'ra? I think it depends on which way you look at it. The three I find most valuable to the SGC is Freya, Martouf and Jacob. Freya/Anise for her brilliant (yet not always open)mind. Martouf/Lantesh because he seems to be the most understanding and lenient of the Tok'ra and our strongest Tok'ra ally. And of course Jacob/Selmak because he has first hand knowledge of earth (being Carter's father), the downside being he fully realizes how infantile earth is to the Tok'ra.
Mission Guide
(Still a work in progress.)
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