Athena's Mission Logs
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five
Season Six
Season Seven
Most Memorable
Okay I've collected a list of plots and ideas that Stargate Powers That Be (SPTB) have expressed interest in or have confirmed for season seven.
Possibilities and ideas that the writers are not quite sure about yet.
A third story with the Aschen, perhaps coming to earth for revenge after the 2001 encounter.
Ideas that are more likely to happen.
Wrapping up story lines from all the seasons and continuing storylines from season six.
We will see the results/effects from Unnatural selection.
Exploration of Mayan Mythology.
The SGC will be seen from a different point of view.  Though we're not sure whos yet.
Revisitng Kelowna.
There is another humorous episode coming our way.
We don't know for sure that the Tollan are all dead, so we could see them again.
More Maybourne...not sure if that's a good thing.
New and improved replicators, though I'm not sure now much better they can get after Unnatural Selection...
Carter will have "opportunities" to take command of SG-1.
As of December, there are currently no stories in the works for Daniel Jackson's grandfather, Nyan, the Goa'uld bounty hunter (Aris Boch), the Nox, the Tollan, the Re'tu, or Charlie (from "Show and Tell"). (GateWorld chat with writer / executive producer Joseph Mallozzi)
We could very well see Jacob again.
We could see more of Jack's past.
We'll meet some new Goa'ulds.
SPOILERS on the bottom of the page.
Carter's black widow curse will be explored as well as her feminine side.
Daniel Jackson will be returning "in the flesh"!!!
Jonas won't be in too many episodes, though we believe he'll be in the first two.
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Season Eight
Season Seven
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