
Line Of Duty

Recently some SG teams returned with nearly two-hundred and forty survivors from Nasya. Carter had been acting strangely, she was different in some way. Even Cassandra thought so and she and Carter were good friends. Cassandra said that she thought Carter was a Goa'uld. They tried to tranquilize Carter while she almost blew the Stargate up with a grenade. When captured the Goa'uld pleaded to be let go back through the Stargate and that it would find a new host and leave Carter unharmed. She also said that she was Jolinar of Malk-shur, a Tok'ra. Teal'c informed us that the Tok'ra are different from the Goa'uld and that they oppose the system lords. There was another Goa'uld named Ashrak there to kill her and unfortunately succeeded. Ashrak did not however kill Carter, the Tok'ra Jolinar kept her promise and returned her alive. The other Goa'uld escaped through the Stargate. Carter physically recovered and eventually returned to herself. This Jolinar however has left some lasting effect on her, something I believe will not be so easy to forget. Ah yes and the Nasyans were sent to a new world, a new home.



Okay, well basically SG-1 landed on P3x755 and were captured by a being called Taldor. They went before a sort of judicial board and were charged with trespassing of ancient grounds, carrying weapons on ancient grounds and aiding in a murder. They were found guilty and sentenced to life on a prison planet called Hadantes. Here is where they met Linea (The Destroyer of Worlds) who they were unaware at the time was a very dangerous being. She helped them conjure up something similar to Cold Fusion to give the Stargate a burst of energy to gate to P2A-509 and then back home. They managed to do so and met SG-3 on P2A509 and then headed back to earth with Linea. Linea gave Carter a most tempting offer: to show her the cold fusion reactions and that she just needed a computer to demonstrate it on. Instead she used the computer to start up the Stargate and escape earth to go off and do what she does best destroy worlds.


The Gamekeeper

On their most recent mission on P7J 989 SG-1 was captured in "chair-like structures" and were subjected to reliving their worst nightmares. The nightmares repeated over and over and always ended badly no matter what they did. They figured out however that this was all part of some game and eventually refused to play it. That's when they met the Gamekeeper and told him that they would tell his people that the planet was livable again so he agreed to stop their games. He did not end the game like promised however, he only led them believe he had by sending them back to the SGC in their minds. He took the form of Gen. Hammond, unfortunately he didn't know enough about him and the SGC to fool the team. They did tell the people of their rejuvenated planet and we are going to send supplies to help them move from underground to above it.



We the Tau'ri are fully aware of the Goa'uld technological superiority and are even aware of how to work some of the technology. We are not however fully aware of how and why it works they way it does. On P3R 636 Dr. Jackson was injured trying to escape capture after saving a Princess from committing suicide and being charged with being a threat to the planet. Jackson healed in a Goa'uld sarcophagus that was in the planets possession. The King was not Goa'uld but imitated them to keep the Goa'uld away. This Princess, Shyla claimed she had an undying love for Jackson and with this he tried to get the rest of SG-1 released from the Naquadah mines. She wouldn't let them go and seemed to get Daniel addicted to the sarcophagus by constantly urging him to use it while not injured. With this we learned obviously that the sarcophagus could have a narcotic like affect when used while in good health. His mind being not what it should be he agreed to marry Shyla but told her that he need to go back to earth to straighten things out. So he came back to the SGC with the rest of the team who were released from the mines upon his agreeing to marry Shyla. He then put in his resignation from the SGC but soon passed out. He stayed in the medical ward for a while to give his body time to recover from the addiction. SG-1 returned to the planet however to find that Pyrus, the King had died. While Daniel consoled the princess he also convinced her to destroy the sarcophagus and to fined another way to mine the Naquadah. Speaking of Naquadah we were able to get a little bit for scientific research.


Thor's Chariot

Well it seemed that our putting Teal'c's life before that of the protection of an entire planet had cost the planet it's freedom. The planet being Cimmeria, where Thor's Hammer had been destroyed in order to save Teal'c and his larvae. Because of this destruction the Goa'uld decided to invade. Of course feeling tremendous guilt SG-1 vowed that they would mend the wrong they had committed. Teal'c and O'Neill used C-4 to halt the invasion while Carter, Jackson and Gairwin searched for the place called "Thor's Chariot". It was believed that Thor left weaponry there for the Cimmerians. They found this mythical place after being put through different tests only to find that Thor (an Asgardian Supreme Commander) left no such weapons believing that the hammer would never be destroyed. (Dr. Jackson later recounted the event of meeting Thor, telling me he looked like something straight out of the 1949 Roswell crash.) Feeling at this point when they were captured that the mission was failed a large ship came from no where and "zapped" all of the Goa'uld ships and the Goa'uld themselves away. Gairwin met the Asgards and told SG-1 that a new hammer would be put in place and that Teal'c would be given special permission to pass. Also a very important discovery was made by Carter in the tomb of Kendra. Being that Carter was a past host of a Goa'uld she realized that she could use many artifacts left behind by Kendra. She brought these back for research. I myself cant wait to see them!


Message in a Bottle

Curiosity killed the cat and this same illness I believe will eventually spell death and destruction to the SGC and its members. I suppose I should issue you all an explanation of my rather crude remark. On P5C-353 a spherical object was found and called The Orb. SG-1 decided that it was harmless and that it was most likely a sort of time capsule. When they brought it back their tests finally upset the Orb and the core temperature began to increase rapidly. Then it was decided that it was dangerous (duh) and was brought to the gate room to prepare to gate it back to P5C-353. When the gate was activated the orb shot out four "spear-like arms". Colonel O'Neill was pinned to a wall with one while the others embedded themselves into the other walls and floor. Many attempts to save O'Neill revealed that it fed off of any type of energy. Then they tried to take away the oxygen, when that didn't work they added more oxygen then nessecary. Meanwhile a virus was released throughout the SGC. Eventually this "virus" used Jack's body to communicate. It was learned that this orb was in fact a "collective intelligence made up of millions of microscopic individuals" the orb in which they traveled was sort of their "ark" since their planet was thrown into conflict thousands of years earlier. The orb was sent of P48-8G1which was rich in sunshine that could be used as energy. I do hope that in the future our scientific curiosity will not put our people in such danger. Coworkers and I have affectionately dubbed the orb the donut hole of destruction!



This mission was an unscheduled one and labeled a rescue mission. The persons being rescued were Teal'c's spouse and his son Rya'c. It was apparent that Apophis planned to use Rya'c as bait to capture Teal'c the "Shol'va" or traitor. Teal'c met up with an old friend named Fro'tac who had married Drey'ac (Teal'c's spouse) because it was believed that Teal'c was dead. Rya'c was apparently brainwashed by Apophis was he alerted security to SG-1's attempt to rescue him. Unfortunately Fro'tac was terminated by O'Neill when he turned against them and was going to tell Apophis's guards where SG-1 was. Rya'c was rescued and brought back to the SGC and was examined by Dr. Fraiser who said he was healthy and there was no presence of artificial or implanted weapons. His mother knowing him well however noticed there were two new teeth in the place of two others that had been lost in a training accident. When they were removed Carter discovered there was two different chemical compounds in each and when combined could destroy the world. A zat gun was used to reverse the brainwashing done by Apophis. Drey'ac and Rya'c were taken to a planet to escape the Goa'uld.



It is with the most sincere pleasure that I report Shar're is back home on Abydos. Her symbiote is still in her but is dormant while she is pregnant. Apophis is the father and plans to use the child as his future host. He planted her on the planet and is awaiting the birth. The only problem is that when the child is born the symbiote will again be able to control her mind. During Dr. Jackson's startling and pleasant findings Heru'ur came to take the child but was convinced by SG-1 that Apophis took the child already. Kasuf hid the child and Heru'ur was driven back to his ship.



Recently SG-1 gated to a planet that was similar to late twentieth century earth. When they arrived however they were attacked by a swarm of large winged insects. One of them stung Teal'c between his shoulder blades and the team was forced to retreat back through the Stargate. It seemed that the insect injected Teal'c with a something that would transform his body into a "growth medium for a new generation of insects", I'm not completely sure what that means but I do know that's really bad. Then Teal'c was put under OCS jurisdiction to develop the mutagen into a form of chemical weapon! When he was being transferred he escaped and headed to downtown Colorado Springs where he befriended a young female who tried to help him. She managed to convince Teal'c to try and survive and then contacted the SGC to inform them of his whereabouts. Teal'c's larva was reinserted and with the aid of drugs was returned to health.

On a more personal note I would like to address the deaths of the members of SG-10, whom were all lost. I feel that the SGC has been far too reckless with the lives of the teams. They seem to hold the lives of SG-1 far above the rest and at this moment I share the disgust of General Hammond with the friends and families of SG-10. The main reason for this was that in the mission report the names of SG-10 were not included, nor how they died, only that all members of SG-10 were lost.

The Tok'ra Parts I & II

It seems that I was right, Jolinar did leave some lasting psychological effects on Captain Carter. That effect being in memories of the life of the goa'uld Jolinar. Among those memories was the knowledge of the location of the Tok'ra base. The mission was to travel to the planet and seek out the Tok'ra. These Tok'ra seem to be a sub-culture of Goa'ulds whos mission in life is to destroy the system lords. Not a bad alliance to have, they are very much technologically advance. Unfortunately shortly after SG-1 left we received word that Captain Carter's father General Jacob Carter (USAF) wanted her by his bedside in his final hours. So SG-3 was sent to retrieve her. They like SG-1 were put under house arrest. While Carter learned of her father's deteriorating condition the Tok'ra detected two Goa'uld ships on route to the planet inevitably to destroy them. Coincidentally the wisest and eldest Tok'ra was also dying. With clearance from the SGC Carter told her father about the Stargate and that he could be saved if joined with the Tok'ra. And so the lives of the symbiote and Gen. Carter were saved and an alliance between the Tau'ri and Tok'ra has been formed. The Tok'ra however had to flee from the planet and establish a new base of operation because of a mole who had been leaking information to a system lord. General Carter will now serve as senior liaison officer between Earth and the Tok'ra.



We were recently forced to go to DEFCON CODE 9 alert. The "spirits" of the planet that SG-11 was sent to for a sampling operation attacked in order to keep us from mining the Trinium on the planet. SG-11 was supposedly sent into another dimension after taking samples. Everything turned out all right when Col. O'Neill convinced the "spirits" that if they deactivated their gate then further such operations would be impossible. They accepted this and returned all missing personnel to this dimension.



A while back it was found that there were two Stargates here on earth. Well it seems that the other Stargate has been used for covert operations by orders from an unknown high-ranking government official. They took the "touchstone"; a device that controlled the weather on a recently discovered planet that had been terra formed hundreds of years before. The planets condition worsened after the touchstone was taken because it was needed to keep the planet from returning to its original status. The beta Stargate was found in southern Utah and the touchstone and gate were recovered. The device was brought back to Madrona and the Gen. Hammond has requested that the second gate be put under SGC supervision and not used. Some people escaped through the second gate and we are under orders to detain them it found while on off-world missions.


The Fifth Race

While on a recent mission Col. O'Neill was picked up by an unknown device and is now experiencing some language troubles. Daniel has determined that he is speaking an ancient form of Latin. O'Neill also seems to have intimate and advanced knowledge of the gate and it's creators. This information that has been "downloaded" in his brain has been working his brain to it's 100% capacity. Being as though humans usually function at 5% or 10% this could cause damage or even death to the Colonel. He was aided however by the Asgard on a lone mission to what he believed was the intergalactic gate destination. The history of the Stargate reveals four ancient races that created it and are advanced beyond our comprehension. The Asgard is one of the four ancients, as of now the others are unknown to me.


A Matter of Time

We were evacuated a few days ago, quite a strange situation. Under typical military protocol I was not informed of the exact reason, only the orders to leave by General Hammond. I have however learned that SG-10 attempted to return to earth early, attempts were made to aid them but were unsuccessful. The gate however stayed open because of the gravitational effects of a black hole. Cutting all power from the gate did not work; it just drew its power from the black hole. A bomb was used and was able to cause the wormhole to jump and then the gate was shut down. SG-10 was lost to the savageness of the black hole, and also Colonel Cromwell was pulled through the Stargate while trying to place the bomb. My heart feels for their friends and family.



On P9R-427 we've found some of the most advanced technology so far. We also found Machello, a fugitive from the Goa'uld. He was an inventor and the Goa'uld could use his knowledge for their own advancment. While demonstrating an invention he had it seems that the minds of Dr. Jackson and Machello were sort of switched. This was not discovered until after Dr. Jackson was sent home to rest while the debriefing continued. Machello (or at least his body with Jackson's mind) told Dr. Fraiser what he believed had happened. Despite attempts to reverse the device Teal'c and O'Niel were switched in a failed attempt. Eventually Machello agreed that Dr.Jackson deserved to live. They could not be switched back, so minds were switch like a puzzle until all were in there correct bodies again. Machello unfortunately died soon after returning to his body. Also quite unfortunate we are unable to build any of the devices because the schematics were in code so the Goa'uld and others could not use them. Some artifacts were brought through the gate and sent to Groom Lake, Nevada (Area 51) for futher investigation. With my knowledge in decrypting and (now) alien devices I thought that my help could be used on either the schematics or the devices however my request for a transfer to Groom Lake was denied. I believe this is because I am not Air Force or government personnel, however General Hammond has assured me it is only because my resources are of more use here at the SGC.


Serpent's Song

The Goa'uld System Lords are most certainly a force to be reckoned with. We have rarely seen them as weak but this past week not only have we seen this but I myself have witnessed it first hand. Apophis, more notably known to us as the Egyptian lord of darkness Apep, was the arch enemy of Ra the sun god. He layed before us not as a God but as a Goa'uld begging for his life. Sokhar wanted Apophis, to torture him and use him for what ever it is he could. He bombarded the iris trying to break through and retrieve Apophis. We tried dialing out when the wormhole quit out but were unable to make it to the third symbol. With information gotten from O'Neill had the knowledge of the Ancients we (Carter) was able to dial out before Sokhar was able to dial back in. Apophis died and was sent to Sokhar, we knew that we could not hold off such an attack indefinately. This was not a complete waste of time however, Martouf has given us a divice used to get in touch with the Tok'ra and he was given a GDO which lets us know when to open the iris. My greatest fear however is that Apophis will be revived and will either be exploited by Sokhar or become strong once again.


One False Step

Well to make a long story short: we screwed up...again. We upset the balance of a society and risked their lives. It seems the UAV messed up the local plant life and it's frequency was changed and this created an illness in the local "people". We were able to return it back to normal with solar-powered frequency emitters just outside their village. I, as well as the other members of the SGC are hopefull that this has caused no permenant damage.


Show and Tell

We have recetnlycome in contact with could prove to be a threat. I have recently been asked by the Tok'ra and General Hammond personaly however not to report to you the events that took place here at the SGC concerning the "Ree Tou". Sorry, but my other logs are quite intersting!



SG-1 never made it to their destination(P2X-555), per say. Instead they made a jump back i time to 1969. Carter theorized that a solar flare was responsible for the jump to the past. I'm not completely sure what happened on their journey in the past, but it must have been entertaining with the getups tey were in when they returned home. I do know however that their first attempt to return 1999 failed and they were sent beyond it to 50 or 60 years in the future. There Cassandra was an old woman and was able to send them home to us here in 1999.


Out of Mind

SG-1 (with the exception of Teal'c) is MIA. Teal'c was found after SG-3 and SG-7 was sent out to find SG-1. He was found near death. The where abouts of the rest of his team are still currently unknown but he does have some memory of being attacked by both Horus and Serpent guards. This is very strange however because each system lord has a certain type of Jaffa under his command. This attack can sybolize one of two things: that system lords have combined there forces, or that this was simply a faction of Jaffa against earth. We are to continue with normal operations and can only hope that Major Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson and Colonel Jonathan O'Neill will be found and returned without harm. On another note Teal'c has left the SGC, and my heart and hope seem to have gone with him.
The Serpent's Lair

As I said in my last log SG-1 does not give up so readily. SG-2 was dispatched on a retrieval mission to bring them back for court marshal. Well, it seemed that Daniel's alternate reality was not too different from our own. Apophis and Klorel were found to be heading to earth in two Goa'uld Attack ships. Bra'tac was aboard also, trying to turn Klorel against Apophis but to no avail. O'Neill found that Skaara was still there inside even though Klorel controlled him. When O'Neill and Teal'c were captured Klorel/Skaara stopped Teal'c's murder. Back here at the SGC the base was on a three-hour countdown for the ships arrival. With the new Mark 12A warhead (with a dash of naquada) we hoped to blow the ships out of the sky. With Bra'tac's help SG-1 went to the other attack ship and attacked Klorel's main control room. The warhead sent from the SGC did not work; it was stopped by the defense shields. SG-1 eventually managed to eliminate the defense shields and escape in two death gliders. Daniel Jackson was left behind for dead, but recovered in a sarcophagus and used the Stargate on board to dial home and get out before the two ships were destroyed. The gliders were picked up by the Endeavor Space shuttle. Definitely the most terrifying moment was when the warhead did not penetrate the defense shields, I thought we were all as good as dead. Anyway commendations took the place of charges of misconduct for SG-1. They saved earth what will they do next? Disney World perhaps?
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