Children of the Gods

"This mission is the true beginning of the SGC. When we first began to learn what the Stargate truely meant. When we reunited with old friends and met new enemies. When those past friends were seemingly torn from our future. When Dr. Jackson was given a reason to once again search for answers. When we first truely began to learn what it is to be the hunted, the weak, the inferior...the lowly Tau'ri.

What happened in this mission? I wasn't there to witness it first hand, however it is still the most talked about mission. We learned that our Stargate led to more then just Abydos and that we weren't the only ones with one. Apophis (then unknown to the SGC) came to earth looking for a female worthy of being Amunet's host. Sergeant C. Ketering was kidnapped by him and killed. We reunited with Dr. Jackson however his wife Shau'ri was taken by Apophis and used as Amunet's host. Skaara was also taken and the SGC was unaware of his condition. Teal'c turned from devoting his life to Apophis to serving the SGC. This mission is not to be taken lightly though it will do the people justice not to explain in depth."

Torment of Tantulus

"Colonel O'Neill and the first SGC team it seems were not the first to go through the Stargate since it was unburied in the early nineteen hundreds. In January 1945 Dr. Ernest Littlefield went through to an unknown location. General Hammond found some film footage in the Joint Chiefs archives that confirmed this and eventually found his location. Now known as P3x972, SG-1 and Dr. Catherine Langford (former project director) were sent through to see if they could find him. They did and found out their return was hindered because of the DHD failure. They used the equipment that they had brought to try and activate the gate manually.

Out of all the planets that I wish I could have visited I believe this to be the one I'd have died to go to. It seems that while on the planet Dr. Littlefield found a three-dimensional representation of the periodic table, this alien device uses this table as a language among four races that utilized the Stargate System. This galactic "Rosseta Stone" possibly held the secrets of the origin of the Stargate System! Dr. Jackson (having all the luck) helped Littlefield analyze and record everything they could get from it. But of course they had to leave before they could finish because of some storm. Perhaps someday we can use the coordinates for the planet and perhaps procure a Goa'uld ship of some kind and travel to it. Till that day I don't know how I'll be able to go on with my everyday life knowing we were so close to the answers the Stargate has not yet presented us."



"Well General Hammond authorized a return to Chulak. The mission was not an easy one, SG-1 had to get a living Goa'uld larvae to the SGC for examination and analysis. Also Tealcs return was due to the fact that his only son Rya'c was to go through a ceremony for the insertion of a Goa'uld. With help from his Jaffa instructor (and resistance fighter) the mission was carried out. Teal'c's family however were send to live in a refugee camp where his some contracted a sort of Scarlet Fever. This was the reason he was to have a Goa'uld, so he could survive. When it was obvious that Rya'c would not make it back to the SGC alive for medical treatment Teal'c gave him his own larvae. Thank heavens SG-1 succeeded in getting a larvae, they used the one they took from a Goa'uld monastery to save Teal'c. I wonder however how long a Goa'uld larvae takes to mature?"


Fire and Water

"On P3x866 or Oannes, Dr. Jackson was abducted by Nem a sub-mariner being. Nem used what I believe is telepathy to implant a false memory in the other team members making them think that Jackson was killed by a sudden volcanic eruption. Nem captured Jackson because he believed that he had information on the whereabouts of his mate Omoroca. Omoroca was part of a battle against a Goa'uld four thousand years ago and Nem has been searching for his mate ever since. Nem scanned Jackson's memory and found that Omoroca had been killed, the information came from a text Jackson read while studying for his doctorate. Back here Dr. Mackenzie found out what happened to SG-1 through regressive hypnosis. A mission was launched not too long ago to rescue Dr. Jackson; it was successful."



"Men are pigs, let's face it. It's not their fault though that there basic instinct is to reproduce. Well a Goa'uld stasis chamber was found at a Mayan Temple excavation. The Goa'uld was named Hathor and she was found trying to gain access to the SGC facility. She had prior knowledge of the Stargate and wanted to use it I suppose. Oh and get this she believed that she was the Queen Bee of all Goa'uld larvae. She used some sort of pheromone based drug to seduce the men. Well I don't know what the SGC would have done without the women of the facility. Under the command of Captain Carter we attempted to eliminate the bitch. "The Bitch" unfortunately escaped though the Stargate to Chulak and Gen. Hammond recommended we not pursue."



"SG-7 was found dead, assumingly by some biological cause. I'd like to extend my personal sorrow for the families of the member of SG-7 and may they rest in peace.
SG-1 and Dr. Frasier arrived in biohazard gear and found a single human girl to be the only survivor. The girl I heard had Naquada in her and later a potassium/naquada explosive implant was found. As long as she is kept away from the Stargate or other Naquada the implant will not work and she'll be safe. She is not able to return to her planet because the population is dead and now has a heavy Goa'uld presence. Dr. Frasier is going through the necessary paperwork to adopt the girl named Cassandra."


Cor Ai

"This "Cor-ai" as I understand it was just a way for the wronged to chose how the accused would die. Teal'c being the accused, he had previously come to this planet under the command of Apophis and killed a man's father. Teal'c wouldnt allow a rescue, he believed that he should be punished for his prior crimes. Well during the "trial" some royal guards showed up commanded by Shakl formerly encountered on the Nox planet. Teal'c killed Shak'l and Byrsa (the wronged) decided that he would not continue the Cor-ai and released Teal'c."



"On P3x7763 or Tollan the atmosphere was not suitable for human life nor were the temperatures or the radiation detected. Ten survivors were brought back to the SGC and relocated to the Nox home world. Gen. Hammond and other members of the SGC are under investigation for "possible military court actions". I'm not complete sure what the military talk is but I do know that they could face "disciplinary actions"."



"SG-1 was fired upon when they arrived on P4A771. They fled back through the Stargate, O'Neill and Carter went through last and when they went through the event horizon they were struck by an energy blast that overloaded the gate. Teal'c and Jackson were sent back here to the SGC facility however O'Neill and Carter were sent to an ice cave later identified as an earth cave fifty miles outside McMurdo Air Force Base in Antarctica. When they tried to activate the Stargate it wouldn't work, simply because they were dialing home and were already there. Trying to activate it though made enough seismic activity for SGC scientists to locate them. How there could be another Stargate on earth with the same address is a mystery to me."


Tin Man

"It seems that someone has made android replicas of SG-1. At 0800 (8am for us civilians) SG-1 came back from p3x989. They had no hear beat or plasma! Their bones seemed to be a metallic alloy. They were quite convinced that they were SG-1 and very much alive human beings as well. When they collapsed they were returned to P3x989. Weird..."


There But For The Grace of God

"On P3R233 SG-1 discovered that the planet was void of life which they found out was destroyed by radiation. When retreating to the Stargate they found a lab and Jackson wouldn't leave, when they turned back to look for him he was gone and they returned to the SGC. A search party was established and he was found. According to Daniel one of the artifacts in the lab had the ability to transport someone to an alternate reality. It sent him to a reality where the Goa'uld had launched an attack on earth and he believes that he knows the coordinates for the origin of the attack. For reasons of security I can't give them to you, but if you are a member of the SGC you can access them at the SGC Mission Database."



"Well according to Senator Kinsey the Stargate is a "Pandora's Box" and I can't help but agree partially. I do not however agree that we should shut the program down. Kinsey also says that the Goa'uld are a minor threat. (I would have corrected him with the word "major" but that would have given him even more reason to shut us down.) Funding for the program has been pulled and we all must help close and pack up the SGC facility. An interesting bit of information, the government spends about seven and a half billion dollars yearly on the SGC...I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I have no where to go and I'm seen as a disgrace in my field due to my crusade to continue Dr. Jackson's work. I fear this will be my last log and I would like to thank all for your continued support of the SGC (unless you're Senator Kinsey) and wish you all success in the future."


Within The Serpent`s Grasp

"It seems I was premature in my last log passage. I should have known that SG-1 would not give up so easily. They have defied orders and I believe went to the place that Daniel found to be the point of origin for the attack on earth in the alternate reality. They have gotten SG-2 ready for an extraction mission. As of 2/27/97 operations were suspended so the members of SG-1 face possible court martial proceedings when SG-2 detains them and returns them to Star Gate command. I do hope that they are alright. I myself though am glad that I have a reason to stay longer because I have yet to figure out what to do after I leave the SGC."

The Enemy Within

"Major Charles Kawalski was one of the original members of the fist Stargate team to go through the Stargate. He was one of the four to ever come back through alive. The Goa'uld as best as I can describe is a snake like parasitic life form that uses humans as hosts, as vessels to survive. They choose humans because with their knowledge and power (which isn't their's in the first place I might add) they can repair our "simple" bodies and sustain life indefinately. Kawlaski was taken as a host, to our dismay. At first it was believed that the symbiote was removed, which later proved to be false. While the symbiote was in control of Kawlaski it initiated gate contact with Chulak. Teal'c tried stoping him and Kawalksi and the symbiote were both killed when the Major's head was partially in the event horizon when the gate was turned off."



"Well SG-1 went to a world with rather primative peoples. The tribes didn't treat Carter well, I suppose it was because they are a more patriarchal society. And as always we choose their future for them, deeming them 'unprepared for gate travel'. (It seems we are so quick to decide another more primative cultures future but are so insulted when the Tok'ra or Asgard treat us the same way.) Well we let them believe we were from the 'Sea of Ogada'.

Carter was abducted by 'Abu', he wanted to trade her for the right to marry the rival war lord's daughter. Oh young love. Well to make a long story short they attempted a daylight rescue of Carter and in the end succeeded. Also Carter wound up getting into hand to hand combat with the rival warlord for his daughter...she won...good for her. Is there anything she can't do? Really?"


The Broca Divide

"Below is a report done by a friend of mine from SG-2
'Mission on site:P3X797 Report by Chief Master Sergeant Kevin Closter

Well this planet is inhabited by two kinds of beings; the 'touched' and 'untouched'. The first of the two are from the dark side of the planet (and are the ones who attacked SG-1 on arrival) and the other the "light side". The planets' orbital physics are similar to earth's and our moon in that it also has one rotation per orbit. This has resulted in a permanent border between the light and dark sides. The gate is located just within the dark side of the border. Thus the attack by the seeming prehistoric inhabitants. My team and I drove the attackers off with small arms fire. Later we met inhabitants from the light side, they seemed much more advanced and described the others as being cursed.

We found out that the 'curse' was in fact a virus. I and other members of my team contracted it after being on the dark side of the planet. The base was put into a CODE 5 lockdown when we started to have aggressive outbursts caused by the virus. Dr. Fraiser determined that it was histaminolytic in nature. She gave us large doses of anti-histamines which stopped and reversed the virus. I do not however remember what happened while I was infected...

There were two casualties and fifty six injured of the members of the SGC.

Kevin Closter,Chief Master Sergeant'"


First Commandment

"Earth is at a point in its existence in which we believe we can do no wrong, that we will only continue to become greater and stronger. In encountering many different and new civilizations through the Stargate we compare ourselves to each technologically. We feel so inferior to advanced cultures, yet our pride consumes us and we believe that we should have their technology and that we can control it and understand it with no problem. When we come across less advanced cultures we feel superior, we feel that we as an advanced culture can help them to evolve. We give them technology and teach them to use it. (On a personal note I do not believe we should be so willing to help these peoples advance. It is not our place to interfere with nature. We seem to play God sometimes, thinking we know what is best for the people.) Sometimes however this can get out of control like on P3x513. SG-9 under the command of Captain Jonas Hansen was to advance the technology of the population. However in an unfortunate turn of events Captain Hansen took the role of deity to the inhabitants. He even executed a member of his team. Perhaps Frakes was challenging his authority as deity, obviously sensing he had flipped his lid! Well it seems Hansen had control of a Goa'uld device that could shield the people from solar radiation, which I believe was partially the cause of his actions (the solar radiation). The locals however overthrew him and the device was turned on so they could come out of their nocturnal society and not fear the sun sickness."


Cold Lazarus

"Being a civilian member of the SGC can have its drawbacks. For example we are not always briefed on strange happenings that occur in the SGC complex. However knowing the right people can work to your advantage. Pretty much all I can tell you about this mission is that the first non-biological life form ever encountered was right here in the complex. It went undetected and even managed to take on the form of Colonel O'Neill and exit the facility. Im not sure what else happened but it must have been somewhat big because people from covert operations tried to feed us civilian members some bogus cover story. They used a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo words to confuse us but make us think it was a good explanation. It seems Colonel O'Neill got quite a bump on the head too."


The Nox

"This race seems to be quite a passive one. They only want to exist in harmony with their surroundings and environment. Also able to control their "molecular structure" at will (Carter talk for they can make themselves invisible.) they did not want any help in defending themselves against the Goa'uld invasion. That's right a certain Goa'uld, Apophis, was also there looking for the Fenri creature. And it seems he has a new toy, a personal force shield of some kind. (I hope he is the only system lord to have it!) This does not help our campaign! This Fenri creature I guess has some sort of stealth ability better then anything man made. The Nox have also decided to bury their stargate, so I guess off world picnic is off!"


Brief Candle

"In this mission SG-1 visited P3x8596 which was seemingly inhabited by earth remnant Mycenaean culture. The culture, it seems, has not truly evolved since when the Goa'uld first brought them to this world some several thousand solar years ago. This is because a Goa'uld technology has made them age two hundred and fifty times faster then normal, making one day equal to one aging year! So no one could live long enough to contribute to the advancement of their civilization. The technology used to do this some sort of "nano-technology" and their condition was called the "Goauld Nano-Virus". The nanos are self-replicating, a non-biological man made "mechanical virus". Colonel O'Neill was effected and when he returned to the SGC the nanos had sped up his aging so he was ninety years old! When the people of the planet got wind of what was wrong with them they destroyed one of the Goa'uld statues of Phelops, their main deity. I guess whatever was controlling the nanos was in the statue and was destroyed. O'Niell is recovering nicely, I don't think he'll let himself feel like he's getting too old again."


Thor`s Hammer

"Dr. Jackson (and myself) have believed the theory that the Stargate Network's source is other then the Goa'uld. I believe that most of the technology that they have was not theirs to begin with. When they use new species as hosts that species knowledge is obtained and used. Anyway this theory may just have been proven.

On P3x974 a Nordic like culture was found to be in existence. Although upon arrival the team (SG-1) was scanned by something coming from a "hammer shaped monolith". Teal'c was struck by the scan when O'Neill tried to help him they were both sort of transported to an underground series of caves. While down there they found a recording or projection of some kind of an alien who referred to himself as "Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet". This being I believe was making an attempt to keep the planet Goa'uld free, hence the attack on Teal'c. It was impossible for Teal'c to leave the caves with his larvae so it was necessary to destroy the hammer. Now however the planet is left unguarded against a future Goa'uld presence. Also in the cave was an Unas (the species that were the Goa'uld's first hosts), it too was terminated. I do hope that in the future we are able to meet "Thor" in...person. Their species is quite obviously very advanced to ours and an alliance with them would be most beneficial."
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