Interlude I: Letter to DuChevalier

Well my enemy, it seems as if we once again eluded you. You are good, sir, and I salute your persistence, but we are better. Tsk, Tsk sir. How could you leave only four musketeers to guard William. After all it took to catch one of us, and you only guard him with four. You show poor judgement in spreading your forces so thin, but then my Vodacce friend and I surely didn't help matters any, now did we. Ah well, losing your prize catch, having your own soldiers humiliated. We have a saying where I come from.........Too bad, so sad. Until we meet again my Montaigne enemy.

Not so sincerely,


P.S. Since we took your prize away, I will give you a hint as to our next destination. It is a port along the river. Can you guess it? I do sincerely hope so, after all, I've seen you so much of late, it is as if you are a part of the family and it just wouldn't be any fun if you don't find us.

Journal Entry Eight

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