Journal Entry Eight:

The smell of fresh air. The feeling of a swaying ship beneath my feet. Freedom. It has been far too long since I had these feelings. We have finally left Montaigne. Signing on as crew members of a sloop called the Sea Shoal, We are headed upriver towards Ussura. Sailing away from Montaigne, I can almost "see" an angry DuChevalier, standing on the docks as he realizes the we evaded him yet again. Oh how sweet this is.

Having rescued William only a day ago, we finally arrived at our destination on the river. Finding a seaman's tavern near the docks we sit down for some good ale and to discuss our next course of action. During his time as a "guest" of DuChevalier, William found out why they are so persistent. Apparently Le' Empereur and some of his advisors believe were are part of some well organized rebellion or spies or saboteurs or some such. That and the death of the musketeer. William immediately asked if I or Reynaldo had killed a musketeer. Neither of us had, so the inevitable conclusion was that Vallierre had. I know of course that he didn't kill the musketeer, Remy had, but that is not what William asked of me and I will not "voluntarily" reveal that bit of information. I owe Remy my life. Let them believe Vallierre slew the musketeer, if he ever rejoins us, he can prove his innocence on his own I'm sure.

While discussing what type of transportation we were to procure, we were interrupted by a lady. Speaking in Montaigne, but with an Inish accent, she said something about overhearing us and our needs. She mentioned an apology and that she didn't mean to eavesdrop. Impertinence! Of course she meant to eavesdrop. You don't "unintentionally" listen to other peoples conversations, especially in the locale that we were in.

Looking a at William with disgust, I ask him in Castillian if everyone from his country was so rude. Shock! She is speaking in Castillian now. With a curt reply this upstart said "no, are they in yours." Surprise and respect. She is only the second individual I have met in this Prophets' forsaken country. For the first time I take a look at her. She is dirty. A sailor by her dress. She is pretty. With a little work she could make a fine courtier. Oh well, it is probably not to be.

After a short discussion, we are all in agreement. We will meet this Inish woman, Lia Danuu O'Bran, and her captain later tonight to discuss our transportation out of Montaigne. Her ship, the Sea Shoal, is docked on the far end of the pier, presumably to make it easier to get out of the harbor quickly. Lia left shortly, leaving us to ourselves and our drinking.

Later that night, we left to sell the horses and head to the ship. Stepping out of the tavern, we ran into a huge, grizzly, old Vendel. Speaking in some strange language, he grabs a surprised Reynaldo and lifts him off the ground. Something about a debt is mentioned in and a heated discussion ensues. Reacting instinctively, I reach for my sword, when this man's chilling words stop me dead. Looking into his eyes, I realize that temperance is the wiser course of action. Shortly later this "man," if that is what you can call him drops Reynaldo and sort of disappears into the night. Reynaldo called him Fellhand, but that is all the information he gave.

Arriving at the pier, after our last, strange encounter, we see a bustle of activity. The Sea Shoal, is preparing to sail. It is not even morning yet and we are already preparing to leave. Then I see why. A naval cutter is moving in to stop our escape, and musketeers are swarming over the docks. Satisfaction. The cutter will be too late, and I can just imagine DuChevalier's anger when he is informed that we escaped yet again.

The ships lurches to starboard as a strong gust of wind hits the port side, bringing me out of my "reverie." I will miss DuChevalier, I think. Ok, so maybe I won't.

Journal Entry Nine

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