Interlude II: Letter to DuChevalier


I am writing this note now sir, on the eve of my.......escape......I don't think that is the word. Rescue. No, that doesn't really fit either. Writing this is difficult and please excuse the smears of blood. I am in pain sir. Excruciating and unbearable pain. You, of course, already know that, as it is you that conducted the "interrogation." You have dishonored me sir, but that is another issue for another time. I need to tell you, and I need for you to believe me, that neither I, nor any of my companions had anything to do with that slaughter in the castle. I pray to Theus that none of your men fell victim to the demonspawn that committed those horrid acts. No man should have to die like they did, irregardless of our differences or opinions, you must believe that we are not capable of such atrocities.

You are a man of honor. We too are men, and woman, of honor. I implore you to believe me. We go to Ussura sir. To Montegue's camp. I give you that as a sign of my sincerity. I expect to see you again, provided I don't succumb to my injuries.

One last thing, I believe you to be honorable and I thus hold you to your promise to send my grandfathers sword back to my family in Castille. My grandmother is Dona Esmerelda Zepeda de Montoya del Castille. Please good sir, send the blade back to Rancho Montoya.


Enrique Soldano de Montoya del Castille

Journal Entry Thirteen

Return to Uncommon Valor

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