Interlude IV: Letter to Laurent


My friend, I've never told you how much I appreciate what you have done for myself and our companions. Indeed, I have never really been overly kind to you. It is hard for me, you already know, traveling in the company of Montaigne. I despise your master and I know that disturbs you. For that I am sorry. I do not think that Vallierre and I will ever overcome our differences. But thanks to you, however, I have made a great deal of headway in releasing some of my anger and hatred towards your people. I still have a long way to go, but I am now on the right path at least. I owe that all to you. There has never been a Montaigne that I have come to respect, or care for, as much as you. I think of you now, no longer as a Montaigne, but as a member of my new extended family. You are like a "theo" to me now. I only hope you can understand what that means. Should certain "circumstances" ever change to the effect that I could return to Castille, then all of my family will know who you are. You and yours will always be welcome amongst the Montoya house as if you were a part of la familia.


Enrique Soldana de Montoya del Castille

Enrique Journal 22

Return to Uncommon Valor

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