Enrique Journal, Entry Twenty-two:

I stand in front of the mirror looking myself over. Laurent, Theus bless his soul, would have a fit if I went to this evenings festivities with even so much as a loose thread or strand of hair out of place. Sorrow. He is gone now. That old man. So gentle. Pleasure! He thinks of everything doesn’t he. Roses, white, along with a note written in that elegant hand of his, that the dress I’d requested for her had been delivered. Good. Tonight will be grand. Yes it will be grand indeed.

Wait. Another letter, this one from Valliere. There is no mistaking his seal on the wax. It’s the letter he spoke of when he said goodbye. Anger! I feel it starting to surface. Oh Valliere, how I’ve hated you so. You’ve never done anything for me until now. Do you know what you did mon ami? Hmm. Do you comprehend the power you’ve just given to me over you. Hmm? Yes, of course you do. For all my hatred of you, you are not that stupid. Is this a pathetic attempt to gain my trust and friendship? You leave me this letter, the contents of which I’ve longed for since we left Charous. Your destruction. Is that why you left? No. You left for Laurent. No matter how much I despise or distrust you, you did it for him.

What will we do without you Laurent. You have been our doctor, our father, our confidante. You have been everything to each of us. William, Lia, Reynaldo and I, we will miss you so. It is for the best, for your health. In my rage I was blind. Blind to your pain. A fool should have realized it, but then I was more than just a fool. All the signs and I ignored them. Even this morning your fatigue I attributed to emotional trauma. I’d never seen you so bad. I know you mourned their deaths but I should have known better than to just write off your condition as a byproduct of sorrow.

After the fight between Reynaldo and Volker, this young Eisen upstart swore his life to Reynaldo. Apparently Volker was the younger brother of Helen. The former lover of Reynaldo’s who was killed by a drachen. He blamed Reynaldo for her death and wanted vengeance. Now, having heard the story of her "glorious" death, he so eagerly pledges his life to Reynaldo. Fool! He knows not what he gets himself into. By riding with us he has signed his death warrant. His days are numbered and that number has just significantly shortened.

With the Wolf Guard’s departure we continued on our journey to Heilgrund’s. It was slow going. Everyone was in shock. Lia and Laurent seemed to be taking it the worst. Poor Laurent. He looks as if he just lost two of his own children. But then, I guess, in a way he did. He was after all, more like a father to us than a servant. The only Montaigne I’ve ever liked. Sometimes I’m sorry that I despise his master so much. Finally, we arrive at Heilgrund’s. This castle is huge. Built to withstand even the most massive of sieges. I believe this goliath will stand to end of time itself.

After a short wait we are finally permitted to enter. We are allowed to keep our weapons, but "reminded" that we are guests of Lord Stefan Heilgrund. In short, don’t make trouble. I’d heard this Heilgrund was a hospitable fellow, but that is an understatement. The quarters provided us were small I suppose to the standards of a noble, but they were lavish. Hot baths and a snack were quickly prepared for us. We were to meet the Lord himself before dinner tonight. I think I will enjoy my time here.

While bathing, good old Laurent did some scrounging for us. When I returned to my room I found several sets of clean, clothes waiting. One suit was even of a Castillian cut. What would we do without him?

A knock. Heilgrund’s butler. He is not as personable, or as educated, as Laurent. I don’t think he likes me. No matter. I follow him to a meeting room. There I find William, Reynaldo and the others waiting for Heilgrund to make time for us. Surprise, it was a very short wait. This man is either not busy or very efficient.

This Stefan is younger than I’d imagined. Barely older than I am, yet one of the most influential men in all of Eisen. He exudes power and confidence, even in his fatigued state. Our meeting is short. He wants both compasses and will fund an expedition to retrieve the other. In addition we will be paid for each syrneth artifact we may find in our search for the 2nd compass. For once our party was unanimous in their agreement. Heilgrund then invited us to stay and enjoy his hospitality until preparations are final. There are apparently a good number of dignitaries from other nations here. There is a feast and dance each night. Intriguing.

After the meeting ended we all went our separate ways. William to relax, Reynaldo to drink, and the others to whatever devices they desired. I immediately searched out Laurent. If there is to be a dance then a certain lovely acquaintance shall need a grand dress. If anybody can acquire one, Laurent can. He of course, knew previously about the dance and had already started his search. I beseeched him to deliver an invitation for me when he delivered the dress. Tonight will be a good night.

A knock upon the door brings me back to reality. One of Heilgrund’s servants reminding me that it is time for dinner. I thank him. I’d better hurry. There is a most lovely lady waiting for her escort.

The letter. Still unopened. You are gone now Valliere, and Laurent with you. What are we to do? Sorrow. What am I to do? Close a chapter? Without a second thought I hold the letter to a candle until it catches flame. When I can no longer hold it I toss it into the fire place and finish watching it burn. Within seconds it is gone. Strange. Within seconds my anger is gone. Yes gone! It has left my soul. Followed Valliere and Laurent as they left. So this is the end eh mon ami. The end for us Valliere. When next we meet it will be a new beginning, in a new chapter of a new life. For that is the way Laurent would have wanted it.

Interlude V: Letter to Colesun

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