Interlude VI: Letter to Dona Sophia de la Cruz

My esteemed Lady,

I shall be leaving early morning tomorrow and felt it necessary to advise you of something which I have learned in my travels. A mutual "acquaintance" of ours, who spent the winter in Ussura has left for home. He could very well return to Castille by late spring or early summer. I thought you should know this so that my cousin could prepare a party large enough to entertain 60-70,000 "guests."

As I will not be returning to Castille for some time, would you give my love to my abuela when next you see her, and ask her to send my grandfathers sword via courier to Carleon. That is my next destination from Eisen. Thank you.

I will be thinking of you always in the journey ahead, and hope that one day circumstances my change to allow me to return to Castille, where we might again see each other under more favorable conditions.


Enrique Soldana de Montoya del Castille

Interlude VII: Letter to Dona Sophia de la Cruz

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