Interlude VII: Letter to Dona Sophia de la Cruz

My Esteemed Lady,

It has been sometime since last we saw each other and many things have changed. First I need to thank you for having my sword sent to me. The Montaigne blade I carried never suited me. I shall be forever in your debt in that regard.

I have some good, yet urgent, news for you. If you’ll remember you asked me for a favor the night before you returned to Castille. I believe it was to help negotiate a deal. You should know that I came through for you and a mutual friend awaits your return. He will only work with one of us, so you can not send anyone in your place. Please hasten your return.

Finally, my lady, I have a request of you. I have recently encountered a fellow countryman by the name of Pablo Rios de Rioja here in Avalon. While he is a great swordsmaster, whom I respect, there is something about him that, well, unnerves me a little. He is arrogant, but most masters are, so that is not it. If you happen to know this gentleman or anything about him which you think I might find useful, I would be most appreciative.

Until we meet again, I thank you.

Your most humble admirer,
Enrique Montoya

Interlude VIII: Letter to Dona Sophia de la Cruz

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