Enrique's Journal Entry Nineteen:

Damn William. I think he broke two of my ribs. By Theus this hurts. I suppose I should have known better, but I was angry. Reynaldo was as well. Between the two of us I’d have thought that we could have at least knocked him down. Ah well, que sera, sera. At least he bought me a drink. The alcohol should numb the pain some.

We head to Freiburg now, and then from there on to Stefan Heilgrund’s castle. It is there we should find our "companion" Colesun. I forget why we go there. Something about that syrneth compass I imagine. I suppose it’s not really important.

Ah the feel of the swaying deck beneath my feet, the wind in my hair and smell of the sea. There is nothing in all of Theah that can compare to being at sea. Well ok, so a fine bed and beautiful woman are the best Theah has to offer, but being at sea certainly runs a close second.

It has been many months since I climbed the rigging, pulled watch in the nest or slept in a hammock. I LOVE this! William and Lia secured us passage aboard a Sea Dog vessel headed to Freiburg. As payment for our passage, several of us have agreed to serve as crew for the duration of the voyage. It will be short, probably no more than a few days, but those same few days would take us weeks overland. Short or not, it will be a welcome distraction.

I look around and see that everyone is in good spirits today. A refreshing sea breeze always seems to have that affect. It is good. We have dwelt too much on things supernatural and evil of late. Our moods were dark and our souls shrouded in misery. This voyage will do us good.

Freiburg: the "free city". No real laws to speak of; no taxes. Nothing resembling restraint. No wonder it is the wealthiest city in Eisen. A bastion of civilization in an otherwise desolate and backwards country. I am tense. There will be vultures everywhere. Unscrupulous sorts flock to large cities and Freiburg will most certainly be no exception.

After disembarking the party splits up. Everyone has business that they want to attend to. Reynaldo, Valliere and I head off in search of the local headquarters for the Knights of the Rose and Cross. This is the first opportunity we’ve had to report in since completing our mission.

It doesn’t take long to find them. Apparently they supplement the city watch here and are both fairly popular and visible. After a short wait, we are shown to a senior "officer" whose name I can’t recall. Our meeting with him was short and bitter. As our original mission was to take a letter from Princess Dominique to General Montegue and then his reply back to here, we have apparently not completed it. He of course offered to deliver the letter for us, as we hadn’t planned on returning straight to Montaigne, however he was hesitant in doing so. It was after all our mission and a test of our abilities. This man also advised that we are still wanted for murder and that we have disappointed the Knights by allowing their name to be tarnished.

Anger. Confusion. Du Chevalier knows we did not kill that musketeer. How could we still be wanted for murder? Of course; Vanity. Le Empereur is vain and we made him look bad in our flight from Charouse. I wander now what the fate of DuChevalier was. He was our enemy but I respected him none the less. We also find out that Du Chevalier apparently knew of the Knights involvement before we even got out of Montaigne. But how? William!? He had captured William once before. He told him! In our anger at William, Reynaldo and I conveniently forgot that we had given Du Chevalier that same and more information while guests in an Eisen dungeon.

Having finished our meeting, we go to join the others at this inn we’d agreed to rendezvous at. Reynaldo and I want words with William. He’d better have an explanation, and it had better be good!

The ale is good. It isn’t numbing the pain any but give me about ten more and I should feel no pain. What was I thinking punching William? Pain. It hurts to laugh. Most of the others are laughing and drinking as Lia recites our "battle" to Patrice. It wasn’t much of a battle. Even 2-1 we still couldn’t beat William and were pretty much beaten to pulp. At least I didn’t end up the water trough and manure pile like Reynaldo. But then again, he wasn’t on the receiving end of William’s bear hug. Given the current state of my ribs, maybe the trough and manure wouldn’t have been so bad. Well yes it could. Broken bones can mend. Broken ego’s take longer. Where did Reynaldo run off? A bath and a Jenny house I suppose. A fresh spasm of pain serves to remind me not to laugh at jokes for awhile.

Damn William.

Enrique Journal 20

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