Enrique Journal, Entry Twenty-three:

Since that fateful day in Charouse when I started this adventure I have known not one day of rest. True rest. One in which I could be free physically and emotionally of the never ending torture that is my life. Not one night have I truly slept safely. Not one day where I wasn’t on the run, sleeping in a wilderness, or fighting for my life. Not one day, not one night. Until last night.

My companions and I, having been invited to dine and dance with Stefan’s other distinguished guests, did our best to relax and enjoy the evening. It was by far the calmest night I think that we have ever known. Calm. Not a word that normally applies to our merry little band. There were of course "incidents" but they were comparatively low-key.

I, being the only true gentlemen, asked to be Lia's escort for the evening's festivities. I was shocked that I was the only one in our party to do so, and even more surprised that she agreed. She is, after all, feisty and independent. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she has Castillian blood somewhere in her ancestry. Ah, but I digress.

Dinner was fabulous. The cook, or rather chef, was Montaigne. Given all that country’s barbarism, they still produce Theah’s finest chefs. Again, it was magnificent. Wasteful, considering the poor state of Eisen, but I’m sure that what was not eaten was probably taken to the peasants at the end of the night. I was somewhat surprised by the dinner. I’d heard that the chef, having been insulted by a "dirty farmer," had quit. No doubt the individual referred to was Jenner. He was not very popular with Stefan’s butler. I have yet to be told the full story but I know that he did have a run in the Montaigne chef. The spoon-shaped welt on his forehead is evidence of that.

Prior to dinner, in the fashion typical of courts all the courtiers and dignitaries mingled and drank wine. Verbal sparring and veiled insults flew about the room. Among the distinguished guests was a Montaigne Admiral, apparently in disfavor with Le Empereur, with two young ladies. Sisters it appears. A few Eisen from Posen and Freiburg; also a female Eisen mercenary. Not unattractive, but too.... rough looking I suppose. A Vendel and a very fa.....err "large" Vodacce. Two nobles from the Highmarches.

Lia, already a lovely woman, can be a beautiful butterfly when she works at it. Our entrance did not go unnoticed by many of the gentlemen there, including Reynaldo, who almost tripped over his jaw. I dare say she was one of the loveliest women there. Her beauty was rivaled only by that of one other.

Shortly after our own arrival, another woman, unescorted, arrived. She was a vision of perfection. For a moment I’d wondered if I drank too much wine. Her hair, dark brown, was long and wavy. Her eyes, an intense shade of green, portrayed more intelligence that any person, man or woman, that I’ve ever known. Her lips full and red. Her voice, when she spoke was angelic. She was, unequivocally, a goddess.

Seeing her caused my heart to stop and my head to spin. How long I stared I do not know. It felt like days, but it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. No chiding or harassment followed from William or Reynaldo so I’m sure it went unnoticed. I had no doubt she was Castillian but I did not know her. Or least I didn’t think that I knew her. Our eyes met for a moment and she raised in eyebrow in what appeared to be surprise. Did she recognize me I wonder? I did not get a chance to speak with her as the dinner chime rang.

The dining room was comprised of one very long table. The dignitaries and my own party were spread out. Lia and I sat near the Vodacce and Vendel merchants. Needless to say dinner was very long. Thankfully I was not seated anywhere near the Montaigne Admiral. William however, was not so lucky. He had to put up with the insufferable boor the whole time. Better him than me.

After dinner, the party moved to a ballroom where there were drinks and hors’douerves. A quartet played Montaigne court music. The dignitaries moved about and continued their games. A jibe here, and insult there. The Eisen from Posen was as insufferable as the admiral. He dropped numerous insults about Freiburg and it’s populace. The Freiburg dignitary must be given credit. He maintained his dignity by refusing to lower himself to the Posen’s level.

At some point in the evening Reynaldo approached Lia for a dance. I almost choked on my wine. Had I been so negligent in my duties as escort to remember to dance with her? I told him he had to wait his turn and immediately whisked her out onto the floor. She protested that she couldn’t dance, but I’m an excellent dancer and she a nimble and quick learner. I couldn’t help but smirk at Reynaldo when I finally returned Lia to him for his turn. Shortly after they finished, Lia feigned fatigue and I escorted her back to her quarters, bowed and kissed her hand as I bid her goodnight. She needed to rest. She looked troubled.

Immediately I returned and sought out the dama Hermosa, beautiful lady. Surprise. Before I could introduce myself she said something in a teasing tone about letting rogue’s and scoundrels in. She must have noticed my look of shock, despite my quick recovery because she introduced herself immediately thereafter as Sophia de la Cruz. The name I recognized. My abuela had mentioned her a time or two. I even recall now seeing her once, in passing, at court. How could I have forgotten such beauty? We talked for awhile, mostly about Castille and court. Nothing of vital importance given the environment we were in. We even dazzled the gathering with a show of Castillian dance, to a fiery yet sensual tune, also from Castille. Ah Sophia, so lithe and supple. Many a gentleman was envious that night.

It was getting late. Sophia retired and William, Reynaldo and I continued to drink. I did get to see William score a victory over the admiral. That was amusing. Of course he did have help from Reynaldo, but it was amusing none the less.

Yes last night was very relaxing. Snoring? Reynaldo is passed out in a chair over at the other end of the table. It is near dawn now. William is singing what I think are Avalonian folk songs with Jenner. Damn. Not a drop of wine left. There are bottles everywhere. How could we have drank so much?

Journal Entry 24

Return to Uncommon Valor

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