Enrique Journal, Entry Twenty-four:

Journal Entry Twenty-four:

Death! It haunts me. Since I began this mysterious journey, chasing my "destiny," I have seen nothing but death. My companions die yet somehow I still live. One by one. I have lost four in as many weeks. Every night in my dreams, I relive their final moments. Agony! Why am I cursed by such things?

James! Killed by Vendel raiders. Patrice! Murdered by Fellhand. A Legionspawn of Vendel blood. Pietro! Yet another victim of Fellhand, died in a valiant, but vain battle. Reynaldo! Most recent to fall. He too was killed by Fellhand. Reynaldo! He was cursed, and his fate seemed forever tied to this demon. His death, a true tragedy, was not in vain however. In his final battle, Reynaldo took Fellhand with him.

Two days ago I was having a good time. For the first time in two years I was sleeping in a fine, soft bed. I was mingling with nobility in court. And I was dancing with Theah's most beautiful senorita, the lady Dona Sophia de la Cruz del Castille. Ah, lovely Sophia. At first I had not recognized her, but it was clear that she remembered me from King Sandoval's court when she teased me about "letting scoundrels and rogues in." We played cat and mouse games that night. Ah Castille. I miss my homeland. Sophia filled me in on the happenings at court, the situation at the wall. My cousin the general. Who would have guessed that his retreat was so well planned as to bring us our first victory.

The next morning I witnessed a duel between two Eisen. The lady mercenary captain and the champion of the Posen. It was the most dishonorable act I've ever been witness too. The brutish champion, clearly had lost, and then attacked the victor, from behind. These Eisen have no concept of honor. That was only the beginning of what was to be a very bad day.

Shortly after the duel, it was discovered that someone had murdered the visiting Montaigne admiral in his sleep. He was a dog and deserved to die I think. Heilgrund, not wanting to appear against Montaigne closed off the castle until the killer was found. I know that Sophia had nothing to do with the admiral's death, but fearing that she, or Castille, might be implicated, I vowed to her that I would not allow such to happen. As it turns out, the killer was one of the Highmarchmen. William was very troubled by this. Somehow he managed to get a chance to talk with the man, just before his execution. He confirmed that the man had been severely tortured, but would say nothing else. Pity. I can feel pity for this man. Murderer or not, no one should have to undergo torture, especially at the hands of these Eisen who seem to love it so.

The evenings dinner and dance were resumed that night, after the execution. Heilgrund made a short appearance, but left before the dinner was over. The dance, if you can call it that, was to put it mildly a joke. No one was in a festive mood. And the shadow of oppression could be felt lingering over us. Our little fellowship, retired to a private dining room to drink. William, Reynaldo, and myself proceeded to get drunk. The others, Jenner, Lia and Volker were a little more conservative.

Sometime after midnight, we were interrupted by Heilgrunds' butler, telling us that Colesun wanted to see us in the dungeon. Leading us down through a maze of tunnels and stairs, he finally gets us to Colesun, then up and leaves. Colesun didn't remember sending for us, but we thought nothing of it as he is so absent minded anyway. Going to leave, we were jumped by Inquisition goons. That damned Eisen had betrayed us. Having taken the keys from Colesun, they offered a trade, the keys for Reynaldo. Without the keys, we were stuck in the tunnels, but we would not give up Reynaldo.

A fight ensued. Pretending to cooperate, we caught them by surprise. Reynaldo and Volker quickly dispatched the brutes while William held off the reinforcements. I tackled the Inquisitor, and "convinced" him to call off his watchdogs. Just when we thought we'd finally won, Fellhand showed up. In his guise as a Vaticine Bishop, he had been using the local Inquisition to harass us and trap us down in the catacombs.

Curse the vile spawn of Legion. He has taken Lia. No! I can not, will not, allow her to die at his hands! This game of his ends tonight. We follow him now down a maze of corridors. He taunts us. Every so often, we hear his laughter echo off the walls.

Oh a sight I must be. Frantic beyond belief. Where is the bold, arrogant peacock who normally struts into battle. Am I prepared for death. I think I find myself lacking. Looking at Reynaldo, I am envious, well almost. He is the picture of calmness. His eyes set and hard, but the rest of his face calm. It's as if he has accepted his fate. I have seen that look before. Shudder. William sometimes gets that look before he charges headfirst into a wall of Musketeers.

Hmm, what's this now. A small stone bridge over and underground river. Look at the speed of that current. Must use caution on the bridge. Don't want to fall in. Theus only knows where I'd end up. Motion. Eh, Madre de Dios! A serpent! Twice the size of the one that swallowed Reynaldo last year.

Quickly we leap into action. William, Reynaldo and I have been fighting together for so long now, we are a well oiled machine. Reynaldo and I leap and stab at the beast, scoring glancing wounds. They seem only to anger the beast. William pushes Colesun to safety and draws his huge claymore. Volker, starts to swing but is too slow. Crash! The creature has struck the bridge and it's beginning to crumble.

Volker tumbles over the edge and the beast quickly dives after him. With a knowing look, William and I immediately follow. Reynaldo and Jenner stay behind with Colesun.

Shock! The chill of the water cuts straight to the bone. Who would have thought and underground river could be so cold. Damn this current is fast. I've already lost sight of the others. Even the serpent seams to be gone. Wait, the current slows, and I can hear the sounds of combat. There, William and Volker are attacking the beast. Numbing my mind to the cold, I find my footing as the water is now shallow and lose myself in a macabre dance. Swinging and thrusting my grandfathers rapier, I can hear the beasts anguish in its roar. We have hurt it, William, Volker and myself. With a crash, it dives back into the murky water and flees to safety.

Exhaustion sweeps over my body and I collapse in a heap on the stone floor. I feel like a drowned rat, but am otherwise non the worse for wear. William too seems to be without injury. Volker was bit by the beast, but he'll live. I've seen, even had worse wounds.

After a short rest, we find a tunnel that as luck would have it, leads us back to Reynaldo and the others. Theus must be smiling on us. I just pray that he continues to do that. Are you listening, I wonder.

Eternity. It feels as if we've wandered this maze of caverns for an eternity. Quiet. Fellhand's laughter has stopped and the silence is eerie. I hear nothing the but the pounding of my heart and the beat of my pulse. A rythmic drumming sound. Battle is coming. I can smell it. I remember my grandfathers lectures. "Hear your heartbeat boy. Dance to it mi hijo. If you can lose yourself in that dance, you will be victorious."

Silence, I've lost the feel. I think I concentrate too hard. My nerves are wracked with anticipation. Soon, demon, soon. Finally we arrive. I huge open cavern, with a large chasm cutting through. I thin, stone bridge connects the two sides. On one is Lia and Fellhand, on the other, us.

Fellhand calls for Reynaldo to join him on the bridge. Again with his calm resolution, Reynaldo steps forward to meet Fellhand. This day we've been waiting for. May Theus gui....., aye cabron. Damn that legionspawns treachery, we are beset upon by brutes and goons. William, Volker, Jenner and I immediately swing into action dropping the brutes with sword and arrow. William and I are trying to cut our way to the bridge, but damn, Fellhand brought a lot of thugs. It's all happening in such slow motion, I see William slash out with his claymore and drop three, as I thrust and cut, dropping another two. On the bridge, I can see Reynaldo stab Fellhand, and unholy scream is loosed by the demon.

Slow. My mind screams as my voice gets caught. I see Reynaldo slip and loose his footing. I try to rush forward, but it's as if my body is held in place with clamps of iron. I reach out, knowing it's a vain gesture as he's over twenty feet away. Out of the corner of my eye I can see William do the same. Damn that calm look. Even as he's falling to his death, Reynaldo's face is still a dead calm. Wait, a smile. A grin. A laugh. I can't believe it! In his fall, Reynaldo managed to grab Fellhand's arm and begins to laugh as he pulls him down off the bridge. No screams, just that Vodacce laugh that used to anger me so.

Rush. Without the imaginary clamps let loose and I go rushing to the edge. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! I hear myself screaming. By the time I arrive I can even see Reynaldo or Fellhand. Holding a torch over, I start to look for a way to climb down. William, in the meantime I hear calling for ropes. He's not dead I tell myself. I know it. I feel it.

What's this. Colesun has grabbed my arm. He's speaking, but I do not hear his words. Or rather I don't listen to them. I know what he is saying. But I refuse to believe. He can't be dead. He is the cat with nine lives. It just isn't possible. Slowly Colesun's words start to make sense and I can hear them. "....ad." "...'s dead." As I stare into the abyss I am slammed with a wave of anguish. My amigo esta muerto.

Journal Entry 25

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