
Letters to Amy, letter 1

Dear Amy,

Today was a grand day. It all started when I entered Carleon looking for a job. I decided to try and get a job as a cook aboard a ship. It didn't appear to be going well, until I came to a ship called the Sleeping Gale. The mate that I talked to said that they were looking for a cook, but I would have to take a test. I agreed to a test and they proceeded to tie a rope around my legs. I didn't like the idea, but I wanted the job.

With a nod from the mate some sailors yanked me from my feet. I found myself hanging upside down, and then they began to swing me back and forth over the bay. After several minutes of swinging, they waited until I was over the bay and then cut the rope. Let me tell you, I didn't like that at all. I swam to shore, and walked back up the gangplank. I asked the mate if I had the job, he laughed at me and told me I needed more experience.

Well that made me mad, I took two belaying pins from their holes and asked what they were used for. The mate began to explain, but I interrupted him by smashing one to each side of his head. I found myself encircled by half the crew. Well I don't know what would have been the outcome if it weren't for the intervention of five strangers. My rescuers did not like the odds they saw from the docks so they decided to help me out. We had the crew right were we wanted them, when we heard the whistles of the watch.

None of us wanted to deal with them so we took our leave. After our little interlude, William invited me to dinner at the Fey Queen's Rest. There after an encounter with a pompous Castillian, I was hired on to be their cook. I think that it will be a grand adventure to travel with these people.

Your devoted love,


P.S. I believe the matron of the Fey Queen's Rest to be Sidhe.

Letters to Amy, Letter 2

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