
Letters to Amy, Letter 2

Dear Amy,

Miriam is a very gracious hostess, she is always there to refill a cup or to clean a mess, or to offer a good piece of advice. For instance, remember the pompous Castillian I spoke of, well he met with William and I and challenged William to a duel. Miriam of course gave excellent advice to William, which he promptly ignored. She told him not to duel him, that it was foolish and he was not a match for the Castillian. Well I've not seen a duel before and went with William. The rest of Williams's friends did not like the idea much either, but they to were unable to convince William of his folly.

William and I talked at great lengths about it, and we both believed that the outcome would be Williams's death. Well I could not have that, so I decided not to let this be. I was not the only one it would seem that had come to the same conclusion. Reynaldo and Enrique both had their own way to try and stop it. Enrique wanted to take Williams's place, he believes that the Castillian would not do him serious harm. Reynaldo well we'll just say that he believed that any price was worth paying to stop the duel. Valliere tried to appeal to the Castillians sense of honor, a futile but honorable attempt. Volker decided to stay out of it, though he seemed upset with Sabene for some reason.

Sabene was the only one who thought the Castillian would not seriously hurt William. They chose to meet after dark at the promenade. After everyone had tried his or her idea to stop the duel, it seemed that it would still take place. So when the formal announcements and declaration of form were over, I proceeded to wish William luck.

I offered my hand to William, and when he took it I pulled forth my pistol and shot him in the leg. You should have seen the surprise on Williams's face. It was grand! Well after shooting William I turned to the Castillian, and dropped my weapon. It appears that what I did was not in "good form". So the Castillian was infuriated, he drew his blade and ran me through the shoulder. That did not seem to be enough for the bastard so he slashed my throat.

Well you'd think that that would have killed me, but the luck of the Inish was with me. As it turns out Miriam is an excellent doctor, as well as a gracious host. She had me up in no time at all. Well I have to go for now it appears that something has gone amiss. I'll get back with you as soon as possible.

Yours always,


Letters to Amy, Letter 3

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