
Letters to Amy, Letter 3

Dear Amy,

After the events of the other night it appears that Enrique did not return right away. It turns out that he stayed at the promenade, to get his thoughts in order. Well when he did not return after awhile the rest of the group got worried and went out looking for him. In the course of their search William and the others ran into a group of scoundrels.

A fight ensued, and in the course of it William was hurt. I am not totally certain as to the nature of his wounds, but it does not look good at all. Reynaldo tells me that he looks as pale as a ghost, and is as cold as death. Miriam is with him now and says that she thinks he will be fine. I believe that if anyone can help then sweet Miriam is the one that can do it.

Also tonight I ran into another member of our little company, his name is Jenner and he's an Avalon bowman, quite a nice lad. I ran into him after an encounter with what I believe to be the ghost of a child. I found her in a hall crying. When I asked what was wrong she told me she couldn't find her mother and then turned and went around the corner.

I went to the corner and that's where I ran into Jenner. I told him what I had seen, and he was relieved that I had seen her. It would appear that he too has seen her and is trying to find out what she wants. I told him that I would help him in this endeavor. He thanked me and we turned to find Miriam standing there. She told us not to pursue this matter; that it was none of our concern. We apologized and went back to our respective rooms. I do wish that Miriam wasn't adamant about this, for I intend to continue with the investigation.

Well I have to go for now, there is much to do. I do not know that you are receiving these letters for I do not know were you are. I have faith that the Sidhe that I ran into is telling the truth, and in the end we will be reunited.

Until then I seal each letter with a kiss, and burn them so that they may reach you wherever you may be. After all these are the glamour isles and stranger things have happened. I just have to keep faith.

Always Yours,


Letters to Amy, Letter 4

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