
Letters to Amy, Letter 4

Dear Amy,

It turns out that the little girl was murdered by her stepfather. We followed her ghost to the courtyard and watched her play a game. She skipped rope in a circle of circles, each getting smaller as she went. When she was finished she vanished. Miriam came upon us, so we let it be until latter.

In the meantime we checked up on William. He seems to be doing fine, but is still quite pale. When we went to the dinning hall we found it in a mess; this was strange for Miriam has always been very vigilant in her duties. We looked about and found the rest of the place to be in much the same condition. We could not find the answer so we all went about our daily tasks. Well later we all went back to the courtyard and looked about. We found only the circle and the rope. I decided to try something. I took the rope and repeated what the little girl did. At first it did not seem to work, then a slight quiver was felt. I stepped back and a huge pillar of energy shot into the sky; it was an awesome sight.

We all looked at each other, but nobody had a clue as what to do. You know me; I did something stupid: I touched the pillar. Well, I found myself in a strange land. It was covered in mist and all the trees seemed dead, the sky was also strange. The people that I have joined up with are good folks for they all soon followed me, although I am not certain if that was wise. Anyway, it turns out that the little girl was trapped in this realm and was forever hunted by her stepfather. We found her, and soon after were in turn found by her stepfather. He was not pleased at all. We all tried to stop him, but only William seemed to have any luck. The girl fled the area and most of us went after her.

It turns out that not only were we there, but also someone was below the mist. The creatures kept trying to pull us down. In the end it all turned out all right. William killed the father by strangling him with the same rope that he used to kill the child. When he was slain the child was allowed to join her mother. I'm not sure why but Miriam was there and helped us return. When we got back, the Inn was back to its normal state, that is, everything was clean and in its place. Miriam was back to her attentive self and we all decided not to speak of the night's happenings.

I miss you and Nigel both very much. Well, I'll write again soon.



Letters to Amy, Letter 5

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