
Letters to Amy, Letter 5

Dear Amy,

I found myself aboard a fine ship by the name of the Hurricane. It is one of the legendary Berek's ships. We were to take the Black Dawn, but we were delayed and she had to set sail. William was too wounded to leave at once, and the others also had some business to take care of. We were graced with the presence of Berek himself for our voyage.

Not long after we set sail, we found a stowaway. The man said that he was a dockworker and had fallen asleep while loading the ship. During the talk as to what to do with him, Sabene found a small box with poison in it. It turns out that he had poisoned our food supply.

We questioned him further and found that he was paid to poison us, and then wait for nightfall to signal a ship that was following us. We decided to use him to set a trap for his cohorts. We all took up positions and waited. When the other ship approached the bastard betrayed us. I knew we should have promised him his life, oh well. Our surprise was foiled, but it did not matter, a battle ensued.

I found myself commanding a gunnery crew; it just seemed to come naturally to me. The other ship tried to disengage with us but was to damaged to get away. We began to close for boarding and that's when the real fight started. As we closed, both sides continued to fire cannon volleys. Once we were almost atop them the small arms fire began. That's when Sabene was shot. Do not fret, she is fine.

After the exchange of small arms the grapples went out, the two ships closed and we boarded her. The fight was a brief one, for the fight was not in them. We took the ship with few casualties. After questioning a few of the crew, we found that they were after the compass that my companions had. After a long debate we set a couple of the crew afloat in one of the long boats. One of which I believed we should have sparred, after all he came clean and told us what we needed to know. The other man was a Legion-damned soul, so I feel no remorse in his fate.

The Hurricane was damaged right above the water line and it was decided that it was a risk to continue with her. Berek decided to give the other ship under our care, and we all became part masters of her, along with Berek of course. William was chosen to be captain and Enrique the first mate. I of course am the cook and an officer. We are now, once again, on course and it is a grand day. I do so wish that you were here.

Yours Always,


Letters to Amy, Letter 6

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