
Letters to Amy; Letter 6

Dear Amy,

We continue on our voyage to the Thalusian Isle, our new ship is running grandly. The Montaigne have set up a blockade around the isle so we have had to come up with a plan. We've decided that it would be too risky to take the ship all the way in, do to the reef and patrolling vessels and all. So we have decided that a small party in a longboat is our best chance. We plan to take the ship within sight of the isle and then the longboat for the rest of the way. Once there we are to travel inland to meet with someone, I'm not sure who or why, but they have proven to be good friends, so I don't ask. I've heard that the rich use this island as a kind of hunting resort, where by day the hunters hunt and by night the hunters become the hunted. Sounds dangerous, I know, but the bunch of us are pretty resourceful and good fighters to boot.

Once we have completed our task we are to wait until midnight and take the longboat back to a designated spot, there we wait for the ship to return. The ship is to return to the same place each night, for seven nights. If we have not returned then they are to set sail back to Avalon, for not all has gone well and there shall be not that they can do. Yes, yes I know it does sound a bit weak of a plan but it is all we can do, I'm sure it well be fine. I'll talk to you later.

Oh. By the way, I had a grand dream last night. Yes it was about you. I dreamed of our first meeting. Remember how you were, like a lost puppy? All soaked from head to foot, not a thing to your name. You were the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. I lost all thought of words until Nigel reminded me to breathe. Damn, how I miss you so!

I still keep the charm you gave me last summer close to my heart. I hated keeping our love from Nigel, but it would have broken his heart. He loved you so. I do believe that he knew somehow, or at least suspected. When last we spoke he said he knew I loved you as much as he did. He was a good friend and each day I say a prayer to Theus for him. Oh well, as I said I've got to get to my duties now so I'll write again soon.

Your devoted,


Letters to Amy, Letter 7

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