
Letters to Amy, Letter 7

Dear Amy,

Our excursion to the isle went well I suppose, no one died that is, but it was close. We skimmed the reefs in our little longboat but a wave overturned us a few yards from shore. We were barely able to bring the boat and ourselves safely to land. When we made landfall we could hear the screams of the dying prey and the roars of the victorious hunters. Along with the crashing of the waves it was almost defining, we were assaulted on all sides by the infernal noises. It sounded as if we had stepped into the very lair of Legion himself. After covering the boat we decided that it would be prudent to take shelter until morning. We did not wish to find ourselves on the receiving end of a hunter's triumphant roar. All through the night we could hear the panicked cries of those that were unfortunate enough to be caught, and devoured. After a long and not too restive night we set out to cross the Isle. It was hard going but we managed to avoid most of the hunting beasts. Most of them that is until we tried to cross what appeared to be a newly worn trail; a newly worn trail that was several yards across!

Thank Theus that we did not face the beast that made that trail. The legion spawned beast that attacked us was bad enough. It came from the canopy above and was upon us without warning. We were able to get away and reach the other side, but that did not help much. When we got there we found that the beast was not easily discouraged. It came at us again and again, it did not seem at first that we were able to do much to it. Then it fell upon one of us and tried to carry them of, in the confusion of melee I am not sustain whom it was. We were barely able to stop it from leaving with its prize. Once upon the ground it was a whirlwind of claws and tentacles, striking in every direction at once. We fell upon it like madmen in desperation for it had pinned someone and we feared the worse. Again I am not certain whom it was, I only know it was not I under the beast. Thank Theus for he must have guided our blows, in the frenzy of battle we had finally struck it a killing blow. I cannot find the correct words to describe it to you, I can only say that what ever hell it came from we shall all wish never to see its ilk again.

After some mending and a brief rest we continued onward, again it was hard going.

We finally arrived at a clearing with a pool as smooth as glass in the center and surrounded by a circle of evenly spaced pillars. A man was waiting for us at the pool's edge. When we approached we ran into some kind of invisible wall. The man, a Montaigne by his accent, demanded that we turn over the strange compass that my friends carried. We refused but it did no good, the man made a jester with his hand and the damned thing flew to him, and we wore unable to stop it dew to the wall. The man took the compass that he stole from us and joined it with another. He made a laugh that madmen make when they believe they have won. With that he fiddled with the compasses and declared that he had lowered the force fields across the isle that kept the monsters at bay from the hunters and their lodges. That was a fatal mistake for we realized that it also lowered the wall that kept us at bay. As one we charged and surrounded the man. He tried to bluff his way from turning over the compass, by turning it and declaring that he had set in motion something that would destroy all of creation. Even though we felt a tremor we did not believe him. He called us fools and threw the compass into the pool. Volker it would appear did not take well with that for he severed the man's head clean off. Enrique dove into the pool and did not return. We anchored some ropes and the rest followed after Enrique, leaving me behind to make certain that nobody would come long and block their return. I am not certain what happened below, only that when they returned they were covered in wounds and had retrieved the compass.

Later they told me that they had to fight of some sort of creature and it nearly was the end of Volker, who had received a very nasty leg wound. After that Enrique found a way to turn off whatever machinations the bastard had set in motion, and we again found ourselves crossing the isle. I'm not certain how we managed to return without any further encounters but I thank Theus for our good fortune. We retrieved the boat and made our rendezvous with the ship. I now sit in my kitchen and write to you thanking Theus all the while. I am tired and must rest now but I shall write to you again soon.

Love always,


Letters to Amy, Letter 8

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