
Letters to Amy, Letter 8

Dear Amy,

It has only been about a month sense I've met these people but I feel close to them. I am drawn to them as I was to you and Nigel. William is a lot like Nigel, he's a good fighter especially when someone threatens one of his family. Family? Yes, I do think he thinks of us as his family, much as Nigel did. As I was saying, like Nigel he tries to keep an air of a gentleman about him and he tries hard to keep his honor intact.

The others, though I feel a connection to them, they are still a bit of a mystery to me. Enrique is a hotheaded swordsmen that thinks very little of me, but I believe in time he may yet find a kind of respect for me, if not a true friendship. He is a bit standoffish about me at the moment not knowing truly why I'm even here. Reynaldo is also at heart a good man, but he lets his emotions run with him, and that can be a very dangerous thing. He means well and has shown me a little more respect than Enrique. He makes quotes about the game, though I know not what he speaks of.

Sabene, ah beautiful Sabene now there is someone that truly confuses me. She is a swordswoman that tries to make the world believe that she can take it on headfirst. I sometimes believe that she could. She shows very little emotions when she can, but I suspect that she is capable of great love. I just wish that she would stop threatening me. Every time I make what she thinks in her view to be a mistake, she tells me to watch myself or she'll kill me. It's very disconcerting to say the least, you know me if she ever keeps her word I'll find myself in a bad spot for you know my stand on fighting women.

Volker and Jenner are both good men, I have begun to develop a friendship with both of them. Volker is a young Eisen warrior that has shone himself to be a little quick with the blade. Sometimes I think his motto would be kill them all and then let Theus sort them out. Jenner on the other hand is quick with his bow only when the fight has begun. The rest of the time he is very alert and curious as a cat. Lia has proven to be a good navigator and linguist. She is quiet most of the time and speaks well of most people, I believe her to be a true friend to all our company.

Valliere is the one that troubles me the most. Its not that he's a bad man, no, quite the contrary. He is a noble that keeps servants and has an air of superiority about him, that you know is enough for me to dislike anyone. But in his defense he has proven to be a kind and generous man, thus the problem.

Oh well I shall get back to you soon, I must be off for we are about to come to port back at Carleon. We have completed our mission at the Thalusian Isles and now seek new work. This time we plan to us our vessel to win our fortune, it sounds to be a grand undertaking. By the way we have named her the Errant Venture. I can hear the boson calling for the sheets to be drawn, so I must be off. I'll write again, bye for now.

Your Love,


Letters to Amy, Letter 9

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