From the Journal of Pierto Savino, (Mike Smith's first character)

After a three year nap waking to see the world, (and I have seen much of it since I woke), somewhat unchanged I wonder when I shall gain my vengeance. And do I tell my new comrades about my quarrel? After all it is not theirs to bother with. Though they do seem to function well together as a unit... even the Castillian has his place in this group.

So far traveling with these men, and a fair lady who translates very patiently for me, I have seen the lands east of Eisen; something I thought I would never do. And beware invaders of Ussura! Matushka does exist, and her might is great. I have seen these men fight together and though I don't fully understand what they fought for I do know that their adversary has great resources available to him.

I'd never seen Porte magic before; quite an impressive sight. Now we travel back to Eisen to see a former comrade of this party. While I do not savor the thought of going back into that land of villains, I must admit, I feel more confident doing so with this group.

However, the highlander does seem to be one for aiding in others quests. Perhaps, (if I can learn his language), I'll have to discuss things with him. Our most recent exploit has shown me his is a man of honor. He is also quite a swordsman! After all, fighting off a dragon boat of Vesten ruffians is no easy task!

And the group is an agreeable enough lot. William wasn't even too upset at waking nude in the street. Of course, he still hasn't found out that I was behind that particular little prank...

I think I do see a future with this group!

Pierto Savino

Journal Entry Two

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