Sabene Journal Entry One:

To my Journal and my Patron I write this:

It has been more than an hour since I heard that little giggle and those little footsteps running down the hall, and I wonder if she is to come for me or not. Those little eyes and curly hair make her look so innocent and yet so...scary.

I thought maybe it was my imagination at first, but I know better because the Avalonian archer, Jenner, confirmed my suspicions. We have heard her singing a child's rope-skipping song, so he bought her a little skipping rope in hopes that we may be able to see her once more. Seeing the child the first time was such a peculiar sight!

Unfortunately much to my dismay I was beat in swordplay once again by a Castillian Swordmaster who trounced me horribly. Why was I a fool to even formerly challenge this man? What if my brother was right; maybe fencing is for men?

Earlier in the courtyard, my own reflection reiterated his words. "I will make you so ugly that only the ugliest of thieves and street thugs will want you for a common whore." So far he hasn't lied.

This land of Avalon is beautiful, I must admit. I miss my own home of Vodacce though. It has been quite some time since I have been there; almost 4 months!

Journal, I must leave now. The pitter-pattering of a child's feet are running down the hall again and I want to find out this mystery. Maybe I will be blessed with luck and not be locked in that room again…

Journal Entry Two

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