The Ship

The creaking of the old ship moaned in time with the not so gentle rolling of the sea. One by one, the new owners of the unnamed vessel crammed into the tight confines of the old Captain's cabin. Most of the trappings of the former owner now lay at the bottom of the depths, leaving the room vacant of any real comfort or luxury. Other than the simple cot and wardrobe, only a single table remained. Covered with maps and star charts, the table was the center of attention for the assembled band...

"Alright people, we need a name for this ship as soon as possible," William said as he stood in front of the group, thumbs tucked in the waist of his kilt. "We have roughly two weeks before we reach the Ille de Bete in the Thalusian Isles. It'd be bad luck to sail another day without a new name as any sea dog could tell you."

"Also, " he said placing his hands on the sturdy table before him, " there is a little matter filling the officer's positions aboard this vessel. T'would be even worse luck to sail without a captain! Anyone who wants to be an officer on this ship should step forward and state the position they be wanting... We will discuss a ship's charter once the officers are chosen."

He leaned back against the wall and considered the group before him. There was much on his mind but he did keenly feel the excitement of once again owning a part of a ship. He had already vowed before Theus that nothing would happen to THIS crew if it be in his power to stop it...

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