William McCormick (Dan Freeman's character)

Concerning Membership in the Knights of the Rose and Cross: To be honest, I never really envisioned William to be in the Order of the Rose and Cross. I'm not too sure that they would give an invitation to a noble that so openly disregarded his station as to basically ignore it and live on the open seas as a privateer.

When Russell suggested it to us as a common background to get our characters together, though, I saw the wisdom in it and agreed. As I sit here and put bits and pieces of ideas together for my background, the order is still the most difficult thing to put into place. The debt I (William) owe to Ray's character (Reynaldo) was enough to get me to the Princess, and my honor as a gentleman and my whole "root for the underdog" mentality was enough to convince me to ignore my own agenda and take up my current mission. I imagine, barring something pretty spectacular, that the comradery that I've begun to develop with the rest of the characters will keep me in the group.

I'd like to perhaps nix the whole secret society thing for William; at least as a background for him. If this mission is a success and you gentlemen feel that I am worthy to join the Order at that point, I'd be flattered if you petitioned for me...

William's History, a tragic tale of the loss of love, innocence, and identity.

William Story 1, a short story about the loss of the Sea Dog ship that William served aboard.

William's Letter 1 to du Chevalier after Fellhand kills Eisen guardsmen to free Reynaldo and Enrique from the dungeons.

William's Comments to the group after Lia's disappearence in an Eisen forest.

William Story 2, this concerns the adventure "Fellhand's Love", in which William and others are trapped in a barrow.

William Story 3: Remembrances, William drunkedly remembers times past and a love long lost...

William Story 4: Hope in Purgatory?, William mulls over some of the major events of the Campaign.

William Story 5: William Steps Out, Miriam sends William to Carleon.

William was already putting his shoulder through the leather strap the held his mighty Highmarch claymore to his back. "Thank ye, lad, you've done well. Inform the boson to get the rest of the crew at their stations. Tell him we need to look sharp, and continue to load the cargo like nothing has happened. I will speak with the lass myself." As William McKormick rushed out of his cramped cabin, the journal sat forgotten. In his haste, it had fallen open to the first page....

Journal Prologue, a first-person intro to William's journal.

Journal Entry One

Journal Entry Two

Journal Entry: Reynaldo Returns from the Dead!

"Life on the Lamb", a "William McCormick" spoof journal entry written by Robert Gonzales (a.k.a. Valliere) when Dan wasn't writing entries of his own... Read it; it is pretty funny, escpecially when compared to William's entries that came after...

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