William Journal, Entry One:

I do not know where to begin exactly. A great deal has happened in just a short time and I am still unsure of where I stand even now. I will first say that I owe Theus a wee bit 'o thanks that I am alive to pen these simple words. Less than one day ago, I was to be hung for piracy after the "Emerald Daughter" was surprised and taken by that accursed Montaigne Man'o War just off the coast of "occupied" Castille. Our hold was brimming with liberated Montaigne munitions and we had no chance to outrun the damned beast. I do nay know what fortunes have smiled upon me to grant me my life, but here I am (author's note: see William Story 1). In the country of those that recently had taking my last breath on their list of chores, no less!

Against all reason I find myself in a fine inn, eating and drinking my fill on my new friend's tab! This Vodacce seems to be a good man. Good enough to help when that blasted press gang tried to enlist me mere minutes after I crawled out of the sea. We did run into a wee misunderstanding with the port authorities shortly after the scuffle, but he seemed to know his way around the city and we lost them after a small chase. I suppose my bedraggled condition is to thank for his insistence that he pay for a bath and a hot meal. If I had anything to offer in exchange I would do so, but alas I fear I am well and truly helpless in this Montaigne city. Sidhe's blood! The only possession I can call my own is this very journal... I borrowed it from a fat merchant as we made our escape from the rather enthusiastic pursuit.

But enough of such things. I will need to poke around near the docks once the watch forgets today's embarrassment and contact some lads loyal the Sea Dogs. I don't wish to end my days on foreign soil, so it stands to reason that I'll be needin' a boat to head back to fair Avalon before too long! My new friend is mumbling something about wine and women, so I'll be heading downstairs to sup.

Journal Entry Two

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