Valliere du Paix, Journal Entry One

Enroute to Charouse

I write these words on the road to Charouse by the light of the noon day sun. Ah, there's a novelty. It's been many months since I have seen the world by the suns radiant light. I spent the early part of this year trying to clear my name. Looking for clues, trying to track down Grendel, my brother's manservant; but all to no avail. All I found were closed doors, turned backs or at the most sympathetic faces but nothing I could use. No trail to follow, no clues; nothing at all. Though I got the sense that some were not telling me all they knew.

Beaten and exhausted I turned more and more to the bottle. I began to live my life as a vampyre, sleeping by day and haunting the nights. Burdening poor servant Laurent, who's duty it was to fetch me home every morning and get me to my apartments only to have me gone by the next evening again.

But I am done with that for the moment. The bottle dulls the pain but dulls the mind as well and I am tired of looking at the world through an inebriated haze.

A dear friend once told me of his membership in a secret society. He offered me membership but I declined. My life was full then and I had no need for adventures and intrigues. But what Pierre Gilles du Fountainbleu declined Valliere du Paix will take up. Perhaps I can make friends here who can help me discover the truth I seek. At the least it promises adventure and sights more interesting than the inside of a tavern.

Journal Entry Two

Uncommon Valor

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