Valliere, Journal Entry Two


I have been directed to an inn and given the names of three that I need to meet and told that another will meet us and tell us more. I have invited them to a dinner for which the innkeeper is allowing the use of a private dining hall.

A commotion arose and I was told that a duel was going to be fought in the courtyard. I got a bottle of wine and went up to a balcony overlooking the courtyard to watch. The duel was between a Castillian and a Vodacce. The Castillian looked fierce and determined and the Vodacce smug and confident. It was a duel to first blood and the Vodacce won. However as I turned to go back inside another sight caught my eye. One of those congratulating the Vodacce was a Highlander. At first I thought him Castillian, as most of the red heads one sees around here are from Castille but then I caught sight of the garish skirts that hung to his knees and by this I knew him to be one of the Avalon from the Highland Marshes. Kilts, I believe the skirts are called. I will have to remember that so I do not offend him should we meet in the future.

Well, dinner was certainly interesting. I allowed my guests to be seated and become familiar with one another before I arrived. Imagine my surprise as I entered the dinning room to find the same Vodacce and Castillian sitting there as well as the Highlander. Apparently the duel was far from over for the Castillian for he still glared at the Vodacce; poor form indeed. What's done is done. That is the point of a duel; to decide matters and clear the air instead of allowing resentments to grow. I had only wanted us to acquaint ourselves with one another and tell them that we should be on the look out for a Vodacce woman whom I was told would bring us more information. Before that could come to pass though one of the serving women pulled up a chair and announced that she indeed was the woman we were waiting for! The information she had to give us is so delicate that she dare not speak it here. She gave us directions to a location in the sewers where we are to meet to hear more.

Valliere Journal Three

Uncommon Valor

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