Valliere, Journal Entry 6

Enroute to Manche:

We have boarded a boat headed to Manche. We are disguised as servants of my friend Alexandre. Laurent cannot wait on me, as this would arouse suspicion and he is schooling me on the customs of the servants. I believe he is enjoying this too much.

Alexandre was able to get a message to our friend in the Bastille. Also he was able to finagle his release. The innkeeper thanked us but also informed us that he would be moving on to greener pastures and that his cousin would be taking over the inn. I owe Alexandre dearly for this and as he is a bit, shall we say, unscrupulous, I have no idea what favor he will ask of me when the time comes.

Laurent brought word in the morning that the Castillian managed to make it out of the city on his own. He also brings a bit of disturbing news. In fleeing from the guards and musketeers either he or his accomplice killed a musketeer. Stabbing him then delivering a coup de graise to finish him off. Because of this we are wanted for murder.

Journal Entry 7

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