Valliere's Letter to Miriam

Madam Miriam,

I wish to offer my appreciation for the excellent service and hospitality that you provide here in this fine establishment.

I was wondering if I might make one small request. My manservant Jacque is somewhat new to the job and is the son also of a dear friend who has high hopes of seeing him do well. If it is not asking too much I would request that he be allowed to carry out his normal duties as they pertain to me for the training it provides.

The real favor, I must confess is to ask if during our stay here you could take him under your wing. I am afraid that his pervious duties as a stable hand left him a bit unprepared for the circumstances of his present position. In return for such tutelage, whenever I do not require him, he is at your disposal for whatever errands or tasks you may need. It is only out of the utmost respect for the efficiency with which you run your establishment that I make this request.

On a related matter; I am afraid that Jacque still does not have his full growth on him. He has a tendency therefore to eat more than is usually allotted to a servant's meal. If you would please see to it that he eats his fill whenever he has his meals I would be most appreciative. I will of course pay extra for this as well as for whatever he "samples" should he be allowed to attend to you in the kitchen.

Thank you for your consideration to this matter.

Yours Most Sincerely,

Valliere du Paix

Miriam's Response

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