Chad Robert Parker, from Indiana was my first "son" in the mission -- meaning I trained him for his first four months in the field. He was my last companion in Toledo City.


 We've had the best times in Toledo. My second and last Christmas in the mission was spent with him. He's a very spiritual missionary. I always felt the Spirit when he bore his testimony. There's one thing in particular that I couldn't forget about him. After he had borne his testimony one Zone Conference, he sat down and as he passed by me to get to his seat, I felt a warm feeling rather indes-cribable, but this feeling brought peace and comfort to my soul. I knew it was the Spirit. I asked if he felt it and he said yes and we both agreed that it was the Spirit. And of course, I couldn't forget our conversations before we went to sleep. I just miss those times.
My Trainer  My follow-up Trainer 3rd Companion 4th Companion 5th Companion
        6th Companion                  7th Companion                 8th, 9th, 10th Companions       

Most of the best friendships
I've made was during my two
year mission for The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Philippines Cebu Mission

To see more pictures of my mission, click on my picture!


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