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Dom & Me

Dom Zafra: My last Zone Leader and one of my best friends in the mission. I learned so much from this little guy. He's such an inspiration!

Joe & Me

Joe Caintic: We've had fun times in Negros. He was my Zone Leader there and we were in the same apartment, so we became really good friends.

Scott & Me

Scott Martin: We've had great times together and one of the happiest times I've had in the mission was spent with him. He's one of the best friends I have.

Keola and me

Keola Piena: He was my District Leader and we've had great times in Toledo and Negros.

Ben & Me

Benjamin Gale: My last Zone Leader. He's cool! My homie!

Ben & Me

Benjamin Skinner: The best thing I remember of him was when his companion got transferred and he was all alone as a Zone Leader in Negros. Zone Conference was coming up and the responsibility of preparation fell upon him. My companion got transferred, too so we had to be companions until the new missionaries come. If there's one word to describe him, he's RESPONSIBLE. He later became the Assistant to the Mission President and again we found ourselves in the same apartment, when I, after a short time, was called to the Mission Office to be the Recorder.

Chad & Me

Chad Robert Parker: We've had the best times in Toledo. My second and last Christmas in the mission was spent with him. He's a very spiritual missionary. I always felt the Spirit when he bore his testimony. There's one thing in particular that I coudln't forget about him. After he had borne his testimony one Zone Conference, he sat down and as he passed by me to get to his seat, I felt a warm feeling rather indescribable, but this feeling brought peace and comfort to my soul. I knew it was the Spirit. I asked if he felt it and he said yes and we both agreed that it was the Spirit. And of course, I couldn't forget our conversations before we went to sleep. I just miss those times.

Ben & Me

Benjamin Conner: My Zone Leader in the best Zone I was ever in. When he taught, he taught with power. Zone Development meetings were never a bore when he had to speak and teach.

Office Elders and AP's

And of course, my best buddies in my last area -- THE OFFICE ELDERS, and that includes the AP's!

[From right] With Kendall Stock , I learned so much about FAITH. I'll never forget his district meetings  in Negros. When I thought I had enough faith to do the work, with him, I realized I had little faith. Through his district meetings and through his example, I became faithful to the end of my mission. Kendall and I found ourselves together again in the Mission Office when he was called Assistant to the Mission President.

Alex Orquiola was like a brother to me. We've been in the same apartment twice, and through it all he knows me inside out! When this photo was taken, he was the Financial Secretary of the Mission. We had our times in the office. The two of us, most of the times, had our 'ritual', so we termed it! Each morning we would go to Angelica's bakeshop and buy bread and eat it in his office. I miss that. That was our 'ritual'

Nathan Richards: I'm grateful I met this guy with a very humble soul. I enjoyed being with him in the office and anywhere for that matter, because with him I feel the Spirit of humility. I know he was called AP because he was so very much Christlike.

James McGavock: His concern extends beyond his own. My very last companion. Although he claims that he realized so much being comps with me, I feel that I learned and realized more with the way he taught and loved people.

It was time for me to go home and end my mission. I knew I only had to train once in the office for my replacement so I thought I must instruct Karl Herrick well in doing my office work. He didn't give me a hard time, although I'm not so sure whether I gave him a hard time. We learn in the process of doing and I knew he would get used with the work in no time. I loved talking to him because he's such a conversant person and that's one thing I'll always appreciate.

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