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Fuertes Family with the Elders

The Fuertes Family of Cebu City 1st


Bishop Lee and Family

Bishop Lee of Cebu City 1st and his family

Nanay Dy

Nanay Dy: She cooks great and she treated me like a son. Missionaries love her.

Members from San Nicolas Ward

Members from San Nicholas Ward

Bulahan family

Blessed family! The Bulahan's. Their surname means 'blessed'

Dela Cruz Family

Awesome family! The Dela Cruz Family. They always feed us after splits every Saturday. Splits, by the way, is a program initiated by our Mission President, wherein we work with the priesthood quorums of the branch in either doing home teaching or visiting the inactive members, and helping them come back to church.

Lazarte's and Makigangay's

This is the Lazarte home. The Makig-angay's are also in the picture. These two families live in the 'bukid' or in the mountains. Such a very generous family in such humble circumstances.

Cortezano family with Edely

The Cortezano family from Sibulan, Negros Oriental. A very loving family who give their all for the missionaries.




Negros Zone Picture

Couples from left: Elder and Sister Massey, President and Sister Whatcott, President and Sister Childs, Elder and Sister Lee. This picture was taken after the Special Zone Conference in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental. President Childs of the Area Presidency was in a mission tour.

President's Treat at Shangri-La Hotel

President's son and wife came to visit the mission. We were treated for dinner at the Shangri-La Plaza Hotel in Mactan Island.


Tyler May and Me

Tyler May: We became good friends in my last area. We were assigned in the same ward. He's awesome!

Shalimar with us

Shalimar, a member from Sn. Nicholas Ward works at the Marriot Hotel and she was kind enough to give a short tour of the place


This is one of the hotel's conference rooms

Zone Activity

During one of the zone activities in Toledo, Cebu, we went into a cave. I had a hard time getting in and getting out. That's why I hated it. But it was fun!

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