DvD Translations presents:

Door Door

FAQ Released: March 16th, 2004


Door Door FAQ & Level 50 Walkthrough


a change in the web site mentioned in the file. it's now www.geocities.com/dvdtranslations which is now DvD Translations' Official Home Page.

16.March.2004 (New Scans 14.August.2007)
well, DvD got a tad bored waiting around for shiroi to get her butt moving, so here's an faq for Door Door, enix's very first NES game. it's enix, so it's just gotta be good, right? well, not really... anyhow, without further ado, here it is for your playing and perusing enjoyment, as well as some box, cart, and manual scans for those visually stimulated among you.

Famicom Box Front & Manual Cover: Box Front & Manual Cover

Famicom Cart: Cart

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