Parallel Universe Star Wars Prequels Rewrites/Fanscript Synopses, By the Dynamic Villain
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               Here you can read the detailed synopses of the three Parallel Universe Star
               Wars Prequel rewrites/fanscripts. 
               The episodes are labeled episodes 4, 5 and 6, because I
               planned to do three pre-prequels...

               This way you don't have to read the whole screenplays to get
               an idea of what happens in the episodes. Of course they don't
               do the screenplays justice, so you should really read those.
               You can find the scripts for the episodes here: The Episode Scripts
               So start reading!

               Click on the episode title to go to its synopsis.
               EPISODE 4: EVIL UNLEASHED
               EPISODE 6: DARK DESTINY

               By Darth SillyName, the Dynamic Villain

               STAR WARS

               EPISODE IV

               EVIL UNLEASHED

               Unrest   stirs   the   Galaxy.
               Meaning    to   restore    the
               REPUBLIC  to its former glory,
               the Galactic Senate has  voted
               to tax  the  trade  routes  to
               outlying star systems.

               Angered to  lose  profits, the
               mighty TRADE FEDERATION  seeks
               to  evade  these  measures  by
               convincing remote  systems  to
               leave the  Republic and accept
               exclusive agreements.

               While the Federation increases
               pressure on the  people of her
               peaceful planet, QUEEN AMIDALA
               of   Naboo   travels   to  the
               capital   of   the   Republic,
               hoping  to resolve  the crisis
               through diplomatic means...

               The ship of the queen is under attack.

               As it is destroyed, the queen manages to escape in a fighter,
               together with Artoo-Detoo.

               The female Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi knight Obi-Wan
               Kenobi visit the Trade Federation flagship in orbit over
               Naboo. They've been send by the Jedi council to find a
               diplomatic solution, and persuade the Federation President
               Nute Gunray to stop bullying small systems like Naboo.

               However, the Trade Federation has made a secret deal with a
               shady figure who appears on a screen: Darth Keel, Lady of the

               She orders the Jedi to be killed, before they can figure out
               that there is more going on than meets the eye.

               The two Jedi manage to escape death, but are forced to flee.
               They break several people from a cell block inside the ship,
               but only two survive: Sab�, an 18 year old handmaiden to the
               queen of Naboo, and Jango Panaka, a rough mercenary.

               Sab� is a survivor from the attack on the royal ship, and
               says that she saw a fighter escape. It had to be the queen!

               The Federation guys overhear this, but Keel will handle it.

               Trying to find their way to the hangars, the group finds
               itself in an area filled with Neimodian clones, all in

               As they escape, Obi-Wan cuts off the head of Gunray's
               protocol droid: C-3PO, and takes it with him - it might
               contain some important information in its memory.

               Nute Gunray (a human) is furious that the jedi have escaped.
               He blames the clone commander, and puts him in instant stasis
               using a special control device, from which he can control all
               the zombie-like clones.

               Having stolen a Federation Transport, and with communications
               damaged, the group sets out to find the missing queen in the
               Outer Rim Territories.

               They'll start on the planet Tatooine, Jango knows some people

               Darth Keel discusses her mission with her secret master,
               Darth Sidious, a figure who stays in the shadows, and who
               lets her and others do the dirty work.

               In the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine, Jango and the others
               discover that a girl and a droid were captured by pirates,
               and were probably taken to the city state Mos Espa, where the
               Hutts rule.

               And indeed, in Mos Espa the girl (the queen) who calls
               herself Padm�, and Artoo are being sold at a slave auction.

               They're bought by the alien Watto, and will be put to work in
               his used parts shop. But first they will be taken home with
               Shmi Skywalker, a freed slave who works for Watto.

               16 year old Padm� and Artoo meet Shmi's 14 year old son,
               Anakin, who instantly develops a crush on the pretty girl.

               Padm� is determined to escape, but she has an explosive
               device implanted in her body...

               Having arrived in Mos Espa, the four heroes split up. Obi-Wan
               and Sab� - who has a huge crush on the Jedi - find Artoo, who
               leads them to Watto's shop.

               Sab� finds Padm� there, and Obi-Wan tries to buy her, but he
               doesn't have the right currency, or anything to trade. A
               mindtrick also fails, Watto is not weak minded enough...

               Anakin dreams of a life as a starpilot, but his mother dreams
               of a life away from Mos Espa, on a moisture farm, together
               with Anakin, and her friend Cliegg Lars and his son Owen.

               Owen and Anakin can't get along. A stranger (Obi-Wan) even
               breaks up a fight between the two. Anakin senses something
               special about the stranger, and Obi-Wan senses something
               strange about the boy. But both go their separate ways.

               Padm� meets up with Sab� and the others in secret. The Jedi
               bow before the queen, but what's that?! Padm� is no queen! It
               turns out that Sab� is the queen, and that Padm� is her half
               sister and decoy in times of trouble. Obi-Wan is annoyed, but
               Sab� had no choice. She had to find her sister.

               Anakin secretly observes the group, but stumbles out of his
               hiding place when he hears that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are Jedi.

               Obi-Wan and Sab� go with Padm� and Anakin to Anakin's home,
               while Qui-Gon and Jango will stay with the ship.

               At the Skywalker home, Obi-Wan meets Shmi, Cliegg, and Owen.
               They're trying to figure out a way to free Padm�. Anakin
               suggests selling the ship, and buying passage on another ship
               with the spare cash, but that's too dangerous. But he has
               given Obi-Wan an idea.

               Obi-Wan tells Anakin about the Force, and thinks that perhaps
               he should be a Jedi...

               Meanwhile Darth Keel gets some information in the Mos Eisley
               cantina, using her own evil methods...

               Obi-Wan and Shmi manage to place C-3PO's severed head onto a
               simple mindless droid that Anakin made from spare parts.

               After downloading some important data, the droid's memory is
               erased, and Threepio lives once again.

               Obi-Wan goes to Watto again, to buy Padm� and Artoo. He
               offers the Trade Federation transport in return for Padm� and
               artoo, and some money. Because it's obviously a stolen ship,
               Watto doesn't give much money, but it doesn't matter. Padm�
               and Artoo are free.

               Obi-Wan tests Anakin, much to Qui-Gon's surprise. Anakin is
               too old, the jedi council will not agree with his training.
               And Obi-Wan is inexperienced. Obi-Wan is determined to train
               Anakin, because Anakin is a natural with the Force. Even Shmi
               agrees that her son deserves a better life with the jedi.

               Keel arrives near Mos Espa, and sends her probe droids to
               find the queen.

               Obi-Wan gives Shmi the extra money they got from Watto.
               Together with her and Cliegg's savings, it's enough to leave
               Mos Espa, and start a new life.

               Disaster has struck!

               Obi-Wan's 'master plan' to steal the transport back from
               Watto has failed!

               Watto has already sold the ship to Jabba the Hutt, who has
               moved it to his hangars near his palace, on the mountains
               overlooking Mos Espa.

               Anakin comes to the rescue. He knows his way into the palace,
               and will lead the jedi to the control room from where they
               can disable the security system, and steal the ship.

               Anakin will go with the Jedi, while Threepio will stay with
               Shmi. They all say their good-byes.

               The group of heroes manages to enter Jabba's palace grounds.
               They split up, but not before one of Keel's probe droids has
               spotted them...

               Jango and Obi-Wan go to disable the fighters in the hangars,
               so they can't be followed, and ready the transport for

               Qui-Gon, the girls, Anakin, and Artoo sneak into the palace
               to switch off the security systems. This is not easy, and the
               ladies dress as slave dancing girls so they can safely walk
               through the palace.

               Artoo manages to disable security.

               The boys get noticed, and all hell breaks loose.

               The other join them.

               They almost make it to the transport when it is blown up by
               Keel's ship.

               Keel arrives on a speederbike and attacks Qui-Gon with a

               Droids attack the others, and Sab� is kidnapped!

               Keel KILLS Qui-Gon, and escapes.

               The others steal Jabba's own ship, and give pursuit - but
               Keel gets away.

               Jabba and his men approach Qui-gon's body, when it

               Still above Tatooine, Nute Gunray discusses the future of
               Naboo with his dignitaries and prime minister HOAK of Naboo,
               who has betrayed his people and his planet to the Federation.

               Keel brings Queen Sab� in. By forcing the queen to sign a
               treaty, the people of Naboo will more easily accept leaving
               the Republic. Sab� won't cooperate, but Nute and Keel have
               their own methods...

               On board the stolen ship, Obi-Wan and Padm� contact Supreme
               Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi masters on Coruscant - the
               capital of the Republic.

               The jedi find it difficult to believe that the Sith have
               returned - Obi-Wan is convinced that the mysterious warrior
               was one.
               There is little that can be done about the Naboo crisis at
               the time. The Trade Federation has great influence over many
               Palpatine promises to do his best. When he was elected he
               promised to fight corruption and bureaucracy. Sadly, those
               things take time...
               The Jedi will investigate the situation on Naboo, but since
               Obi-Wan is closest, he suggests that he goes, together with
               Padm� and Jango (and Anakin and Artoo).
               The Jedi masters agree, and will contact Master Dooku, who is
               stationed not far from the region.

               While Nute puts pressure on Sab�, the heroes reach the
               rendezvous point where they will pick up Dooku.

               Instead Federation forces attack them!

               But Dooku arrives on the scene and saves them.

               The trade federation and Keel are ready to invade Naboo. The
               clone army is awakened, and Naboo is overrun.

               Nute is certain that this is the start of a new era, without
               the Republic, and with loads of profit.

               Obi-Wan and Dooku start Anakin's first training.

               Dooku is disillusioned with the Republic, and the Jedi Order.
               He no longer wishes to take orders from a corrupt institution
               like the Republic. He is also certain that Qui-Gon - his
               former apprentice - was killed by a Sith. He urges Obi-Wan to
               follow the Will of the Force, not rules and regulations.

               They manage to land on Naboo, despite the Federation

               Padm� leads them to the site of the Witches of the Forest.
               It's a cult comprised of amazonian women. Dooku has visited
               them before.

               It was once a cult devoted to the Sith, but now they are more
               peaceful worshippers of nature and peace. Padm� and Sab� were
               raised here for a while when they were younger.

               The witches believe that the Sith have returned. The tale
               goes that a sith lord managed to preserve his spirit in the
               Kyber Crystal, but that crystal was stolen by a pregnant
               witch, and the unborn child was taken over by the evil
               Obi-Wan is highly sceptical and doesn't believe a word of all
               this, but it might be true after all...

               They all team up with Naboo resistance forces, and Padm� has
               come up with a plan - thanks to the data taken from
               Threepio's memory.

               They'll sneak into the palace through a secret ancient
               passageway, rescue Sab�, and take out the clones using the
               special control device that Nute used earlier.

               Fighters and others will cause a diversion by attacking the
               troops in the city, and the Federation's flagship.

               Anakin has to stay behind, because it is too dangerous.

               The resistance forces attack, and the heroes make it into the
               palace, where they free Sab�.

               But Nute and Keel get away with the control device. They have
               to follow the bad guys!

               Meanwhile Anakin can't take it anymore and takes a fighter to
               join the space battle.

               He is good, but then he gets hit and crash lands in the
               hangars of the Federation ship. He is captured.

               The heroes manage to sneak on board the ship, and soon have
               to fight their way through it.

               Keel confronts the Jedi, and the three fight.

               The others are captured. With Artoo damaged, Padm�, Sab� and
               Jango are led onto the bridge, where they find Anakin.

               Nute threatens to kill Naboo prisoners on the planet, and
               Padm�, if Sab� doesn't reveal the secret location of the
               resistance forces.

               Keel fights Obi-Wan and Dooku. With Obi-Wan cut off, Dooku
               discovers just how powerful Keel is, but Obi comes back just
               in time to save Dooku.

               Keel is very powerful, but in the end Obi-Wan kills her.

               As Nute is about to kill Padm�, Anakin can't control his
               emotions, and suddenly the clones are deactivated. Anakin
               used the Force to switch a lever on Nute's device!

               They take over the bridge, and Nute is killed.

               The remaining Federation guys flee Naboo, and open fire on
               the command ship, they won't leave any loose ends.

               The heroes escape just in time.

               Freedom has been restored to Naboo.

               Jango decides to go his own way.

               Obi-Wan has permission to train Anakin.

               Dooku has decided to leave the Jedi Order. The systems that
               joined the Federation had been betrayed, but their cause was
               just. The Republic will have to face the fact that many
               systems may leave, and Dooku will join their cause...

               On a liberated Naboo the heroes celebrate their victory.

               STAR WARS

               EPISODE V

               MYSTERY OF THE CLONES

               Fear of open warfare has crept
               into the Republic.  Led by the
               former   Jedi   Count   Dooku,
               several thousand  star systems
               have seceded from the Republic
               and formed the  CONFEDERACY OF

               The scattered  flash points of
               violence    sparked   by   the
               separatists   have   made   it
               difficult  for   the   limited
               number   of  Jedi  Knights  to
               maintain  peace and  order  in
               the galaxy.

               Padm�   Naberrie,    the   new
               Senator    from    Naboo,   is
               returning   to   the  Galactic
               Senate to vote on the critical
               issue of  creating an  ARMY OF
               THE  REPUBLIC  to  assist  the
               overwhelmed Jedi...

               Six years after the events in the first episode, senator
               Padm� arrives on Coruscant.

               Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, the twenty year old Anakin
               Skywalker, come to greet her and protect her.

               Padm� almost doesn't recognize Anakin - Anakin is awestruck
               by her beauty.

               A MISSILE, a BLAST: an assassination attempt!

               Obi-wan spots a droid and jumps onto it as if flies away!

               The droid flies back to its master, a helmeted Mysterious
               Bounty Hunter!

               Obi-wan is saved by Anakin in a speeder.
               A speeder chase follows.

               Anakin hangs on to the assassin's speeder, but the assassin
               flies away using a jetpack.
               Anakin manages to hold on to part of the assassin's armor.

               Back on the ground, a small dart shoots out of the armor by
               accident and almost kills Obi-Wan...

               Obi-Wan and Anakin show the dart to the Jedi Council. Jedi
               master Yoda recognizes the dart. It's Mandalorian.

               Obi-Wan will track down the assassin, while Anakin will
               protect Padm�. She will have to leave Coruscant for a safer

               Anakin meets with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. He will
               convince Padm� to listen to good advice and leave the
               Palpatine compliments Anakin, who he has known for many years
               Palpatine is worried about the state of the galaxy. It might
               come to war.
               Anakin suggests that the senate should vote for emergency
               powers for Palpatine. This would make it easier to make
               difficult decisions in these difficult times.
               Palpatine doesn't like that idea. They will have to rely on
               the Jedi...

               Padm� and her handmaiden Dorm� are packing. Anakin joins them
               and he discusses the situation with Padm�. It is clear he has
               a crush on Padm�.

               Obi-Wan uses a mindtrick on the senator from Mandalore, and
               discovers that the Mandalorians have delivered armor to the
               Kaminoans, who are not part of the Republic.

               On their way to the jedi temple docks, Anakin and Padm�
               discuss a bit of politics, and make fun of each other, until
               Padm� gets a bit uncomfortable by Anakin's intense stare...

               Anakin and Padm� borrow a ship from Bail Organa, the senator
               from Alderaan. They will hide on Alderaan. Artoo goes with
               them of course. He's Padm�'s droid.

               The mysterious bounty hunter manages to attach a tracking
               device to the ship...

               Yoda and Obi-Wan discuss Dooku and Anakin. There is some
               reason for concern when it comes to both these men...

               On route to Alderaan, Anakin has a nightmare about his
               He tells Padm� that he fears something terrible has happened
               to her.
               Padm� and Anakin are attracted to each other.

               They arrive near a beautiful nebula, near the remains of what
               once was a space station. Padm� wasn't going to waste time on
               some boring planet like Alderaan, so she re-programmed the
               ship to take them on some sight-seeing.
               Anakin can't believe it, but the two are drawn closer...and

               The bounty hunter attacks with his ship. He has tracked them.

               A space chase through the remains of the station follows. In
               the end, the bounty hunter believes that he has destroyed
               Padm�'s ship.

               Of course, they've survived, but the engines are damaged.
               Padm� is furious at Anakin for being so reckless. Anakin
               blames her for going on a sight seeing tour.

               Obi-Wan arrives on Kamino.
               The Kaminoans tell him that Qui-gon Jinn had ordered a clone
               army on behalf of the Jedi Order and the Republic.

               Obi-Wan is taken on a tour through the clone factory.
               Stormtroopers are in the making...

               Apparently Jango Panaka is the template for the clones.
               Obi-Wan wants to have a word with him...but Jango is away on

               Anakin and Padm� decide to get some sleep, while Artoo
               finishes fixing the engines.

               Jango has returned on Kamino, and Obi-Wan confronts him.
               Jango is simply doing his part for the Republic, and says
               that he was hired by a man named Tyranus.
               After a suspicious Obi-Wan has left his apartment, Jango
               decides to leave Kamino...

               Padm� hears that Anakin has another nightmare.
               She confronts him with it.
               Anakin wants to go to Tatooine to find his mother. Padm�

               Obi-Wan checks some data in Jango's ship - the same ship that
               attacked Anakin and Padm�...
               The mysterious bounty hunter interrupts him - it's Jango!
               The two men fight, but Jango escapes.

               Obi-Wan contacts the Jedi back home.
               Jango's ship was programmed for the Karthakk systems.
               Geonosis is located there, and the geonosians make droids...
               The other Jedi will take delivery of the clone battalions
               that are ready - the Kaminoans expect it. It's clear someone
               tried to frame the jedi by ordering the clones in their
               Obi-Wan will follow Jango to his destination.

               Anakin and Padm� find the moisture farm where Cliegg, Shmi
               and Owen had moved to.
               There they find C-3PO, who now has grey coverings.
               They also find Owen, his girlfriend Beru, Cliegg...and Shmi!
               All in good health.
               Anakin is happy.

               All is well on the farm, and Padm� and Anakin share their
               first kiss.

               Cliegg tells them that the native sand people have been
               causing problems lately. Anakin tells the others that he will
               protect everybody.

               Back in their ship, Padm� tells Anakin that they have no
               future together. Anakin is confused, and doesn't really want
               to let her go.

               Obi-Wan reaches Geonosis, and finds Trade Federation and
               Techno Union ships in orbit and on the ground. He goes to

               A disturbed (from Padm�'s rejection) Anakin is shocked as an
               injured Cliegg is brought in.
               The sand people attacked him and Shmi, and took Shmi with

               Anakin searches for her on a speederbike.
               He finds his mother - she is being beaten by three sand
               Anakin rescues her, but she dies.

               On his way back to the farm Anakin spots a peaceful camp of
               sand people: men, women, children...
               He can't control his anger, and starts killing everybody...

               On his way to Kamino, Yoda meditates.
               He suddenly hears the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn yelling 'nooooo!'
               Yoda is deeply disturbed. How is this possible?
               His ship is a republic transport, and several of these
               massive craft approach Kamino - to pick up the clones, before
               someone else does...

               Obi-Wan discovers that the geonosians are manufacturing super
               battle droids.

               Padm� tries to comfort Anakin.
               He could see the danger before in his dreams, but not when it
               happened! He doesn't understand it...
               Anakin is hiding something from her, but he can't possibly
               tell her the truth about what horrible thing he has done...

               Obi-Wan overhears Dooku striking a deal with various commerce
               organizations. The republic will be overwhelmed when the
               confederacy has countless droid forces. Soon they will be
               ready. The jedi won't be able to do a thing, and the republic
               will agree to all their demands.
               It's clear that Rune Haaku, now president of the trade
               federation, was behind the assassination attempts on Padm�.

               Obi-Wan contacts Anakin...but what is Anakin doing on

               Back on Tatooine, Shmi has been buried. Anakin promises that
               he won't fail again.

               They receive Obi-Wan's message.
               Obi-Wan tells what he has discovered, but he came under

               Anakin contacts the jedi council, who will deal with the

               Padm� urges Anakin to go help Obi-Wan. They are close to

               After a fight with Jango in the droid factory, Obi-Wan is

               On Coruscant, Palpatine gives the Jedi permission to go to
               Geonosis, but with the droid armies almost ready, the jedi
               won't be enough should it come to war.
               They need the clone army! The senate would take too long to
               decide, so the chancellor should get emergency powers to deal
               with the crisis...

               Anakin and Padm� say goodbye to the others on the farm, and
               Padm� gets to take Threepio with her.
               Anakin has nothing to go back to. He will never go to
               Tatooine again.

               Dooku reveals to the captured Obi-Wan that a sith lord named
               Darth Sidious controls much of the republic senate. The jedi
               underestimate the power of the sith. He urges Obi-Wan to join
               him and defeat the sith, but Obi-Wan won't do that.

               Padm�, Anakin, Artoo, and Threepio arrive on Geonosis.
               Padm� tries to get Dooku to release Obi-Wan, but when she
               refuses to join the confederacy, they too are captured.
               They are to be executed.

               Threepio and Artoo will be melted down...

               Palpatine gets his emergency powers in the senate, and orders
               an army of the republic to be created.
               The mission is a 'go'...

               Jedi Master Mace Windu and other Jedi approach Geonosis,
               using asteroids to cover their approach...

               Anakin and Padm� are brought into an arena, but not before
               Padm� has confessed that she really loves Anakin.

               In the arena, they join Obi-Wan and are chained to poles.
               The Jedi try to use the Force to escape, but an electric
               current zaps through the chains, and takes them out of their

               They manage to free themselves from the poles anyway, but
               they have to fight off the Acklay, a huge beast, and
               Geonosian picadors.

               Then Mace comes in and confronts Dooku.
               Everywhere Jedi appear, and jedi fighters fly overhead.

               But Dooku has prepared for this. Loads of super battle droids
               and neimodian clones attack the jedi!

               All hell breaks loose.

               More and more confederacy war machines reach the surface of
               geonosis and attack the jedi - who are outnumbered. Their
               escape fails!

               Threepio and Artoo manage to get away and make for their

               Obi-Wan kills Jango.

               Just as the last jedi in the arena are about to be killed,
               heavily armed gunships come swooping down and blast the
               Yoda commands the clone soldiers!
               They escape from the arena.

               The republic ships unload loads of clone troops and

               A huge battle unfolds.

               Yoda goes to the command ship, Mace joins the battle in a
               tank, and Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padm� stay in a gunship that
               joins the battle.

               Dooku and the others are shocked. They have to get the ships
               with the droid forces safely away from geonosis.
               Dooku decides to leave.

               Obi-Wan and the others spot a ship leaving a secret hangar.
               They go that way, because Dooku could be there.

               They're hit, and Padm� falls out of the gunship.
               Anakin wants to help her, but Obi-Wan won't let him.

               Threepio and Artoo are back in the Organa starship. Artoo
               monitors a transmission, and controls the ship. They take

               Padm� is being chased by droids, but Artoo and Threepio save

               Obi-Wan and Anakin and a group of clones find the secret
               hangar, but the clones are killed and Obi-Wan is seriously
               injured in a blast.

               Anakin confronts Dooku alone.

               The young apprentice is no match for Dooku, who reveals that
               he has studied the dark side.

               Dooku wipes the floor with Anakin, and cuts off Anakin's
               lower right arm.

               Dooku tells Anakin about the nature of the dark side, and
               that Anakin should join him.
               Anakin refuses, and Dooku moves to kill him.

               Obi-Wan crawls in and distracts Dooku, who then moves to kill
               Obi-Wan, taunting Anakin.

               Anakin snaps and attacks Dooku.

               Anakin uses the dark side to gain strength, and almost
               defeats Dooku. But Dooku gets away, after making a generator
               come down on Obi-Wan. Anakin has to use the Force to prevent
               Obi-Wan from getting crushed.

               The battle is over.

               In orbit over Geonosis, Obi-Wan is being treated in a medical
               ship. He discusses the situation with Yoda and Mace.

               Padm� and Bail discuss the situation about the war and
               emergency powers of the chancellor.

               Padm� is about to leave.
               She shares a last moment with Anakin, who now has a bionic
               lower right arm.
               She loves him, and he promises to come to her as soon as
               possible. He only cares about her.

               The Organa ship leaves, with Padm� on board...

               STAR WARS

               EPISODE VI

               DARK DESTINY

               Chaos has engulfed the galaxy.
               The  war between  the Galactic
               Republic  and  the Confederacy
               of   Independent  Systems  has
               ravaged countless worlds.

               Using  his  emergency  powers,
               Supreme  Chancellor  Palpatine
               has   declared   MARTIAL   LAW
               throughout the Republic, while
               the  weakened  Jedi Order  has
               lost much of  its power to the
               mighty new Republic Army.

               Facing defeat and tired of the
               conflict, elements  within the
               Confederacy   have  agreed  to
               attend   a  peace  conference,
               organized  by   Senator  Padm�
               Naberrie   -   defying   their
               leader, the Sith Lord Dooku...

               Dooku's ship approaches a nebula.
               The dark lord speaks to Darth Sidious through a hologram.
               Sidious orders Dooku to stop the traitors and make the peace
               conference fail.
               Dooku feels he is no longer Sidious's apprentice, but he
               won't challenge his master just yet.

               The peace conference is held on Mon Calamari, a water world.
               Republic ships are in orbit.

               Beneath the surface of the ocean is a city.

               Threepio and Artoo discuss the situation and join Padm�,
               Dorm�, and others to welcome the Jedi delegation.

               Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Obi-Wan, and Anakin arrive.
               Both Obi-Wan and Anakin have clearly been hardened by the
               horrors of war. Anakin has a scar, and he no longer has his
               padawan braid.

               Anakin is shocked to see Padm�: she's clearly pregnant.
               The other jedi don't give it a second thought. So what if
               she's pregnant? Nice for her.

               The Republic's delegation with senators Padm� and Bail
               Organa, the Jedi, and several Republic military officers,
               including ADMIRAL TARKIN, discuss the situation.
               The plan is to offer the separatists a bunch of systems to
               exploit: the corporate sector.
               Nobody is really happy with this, but if it can end the war
               it may be worth it.

               Obi-Wan hopes that the state of martial law can be lifted,
               and things can go back to normal.
               Tarkin disagrees. The number of Jedi has dwindled. It's the
               new republic army that will ensure security from now on. Plus
               Dooku, leader of the enemy, used to be a jedi. Plus there's
               the business of the clone army that was supposedly ordered by
               a jedi...
               Obi-Wan and the other jedi are annoyed. Padm� suggests taking
               a break, to clear the air.

               Padm� meets Anakin in her quarters.
               Anakin tells her that he'll leave them alone. He believes
               Bail Organa is the father.
               Padm� sets him straight: Anakin is the father! Their little
               get-together on Alderaan some time ago has had some effect...
               Padm� is annoyed at Anakin for thinking someone else was the
               Anakin wants to keep things a secret. He has changed his mind
               about only wanting to be with her. He must see the war to an
               Padm� is angry and wants him to think long and hard about

               The separatist delegation arrives in orbit over Mon Calamari
               in a frigate. A shuttle with the delegation flies to the

               Back in the frigate, a droid reveals himself and takes over
               the bridge.
               This is ILM-4U. He tells the crew that Dooku sends him to
               kill them. He takes over control of the ship and the droids
               on board. The organic crew members are killed.

               The shuttle is blown up, and from the frigate a whole bunch
               of spheres shoot down to the underwater city.
               The ship fires at the republic craft.

               As the underwater city comes under attack, the inhabitants
               try to flee.
               The Jedi and the diplomats try to reach a sub, but Tarkin and
               the officers don't wait for them.

               They try to reach other subs, but a part of the ceiling comes
               down, blocking Padm� and the two droids from the rest. She's

               While the others try to find a different way out, Anakin
               tries to reach Padm�. He can't and Obi-Wan gets him to come
               with him.

               Another part of the ceiling comes down, and the two jedi are
               Then water starts to pour in.
               They slide through a ventilation shaft and end up in a lower
               There they are attacked by Squid-Droids. Even witty remarks
               can't help them now.
               Obi-Wan is knocked out, and Anakin is grabbed by a droid and
               taken out into the ocean.
               Anakin manages to free himself and uses a breathing device to

               Padm� and the droids escape the city in a mini-sub, but are
               followed by a huge sea monster.

               The battle in space is being won by the Republic ships, and
               ILM-4U escapes in his own small ship.

               The monster attacks Padm�'s sub, but another monster attacks
               the first monster. There's always a bigger fish...
               The sub is damaged, and squid-droids attack it.
               A Mon Calamari sub-fighter comes to the rescue.

               Back on the surface, it turns out that Anakin piloted the
               Obi-Wan is also fine and is in a shuttle, ready to save
               Padm�, who is fine.

               Republic warships are gathering in orbit over Coruscant.

               In the Jedi Temple, the council instructs Obi-Wan to go to a
               sector where confederacy ships have been spotted.
               There are indications that Dooku is building a new huge army
               in a secret location. They must discover that location.

               The Jedi are concerned about the future of their order.
               Tarkin was right, and chancellor palpatine favours his new
               Obi-Wan warns against the powers of darkness. He believes
               Palpatine is a danger. The other jedi agree that palpatine
               may have to be dealt with once the war is over, but they
               think he's simply a power hungry politician, not a sith lord.
               Obi-Wan feels that they can no longer serve a system where
               democracy no longer exists.

               First they must find Dooku, then they will discover more
               about the other Sith.
               Anakin had a plan, but the jedi think it's too dangerous, and
               that Anakin is not ready. He is often too aggressive.

               Obi-Wan is confident that Anakin can take care of himself.
               Dooku tried to capture Anakin on Mon Calamari (which is why
               the droid didn't try to kill him). He must want to convert
               Anakin to the dark side, like he did in the previous episode.
               This way, they may be able to find Dooku, no matter how
               dangerous the plan is...
               The jedi finally agree.

               Palpatine and Tarkin briefly discuss a concept for a huge
               battle station, and also the elusive new army of Dooku. If
               that droid army could be taken over intact, it could be used,
               and it would help them bring order to the galaxy...

               Tarkin leaves, and Anakin enters.
               The jedi have agreed to Anakin's and Palpatine's plan, but it
               was Obi-Wan who convinced the council.
               Palpatine urges Anakin to stand on his own legs. He doesn't
               need the jedi anymore. When the war is over, the jedi will no
               longer matter.
               Anakin tells Palpatine that he has thought about that. He
               wants to leave when the war is over.
               Palpatine urges Anakin to stay with him, to work for him and
               bring order to the galaxy.
               Palpatine wonders if Anakin's decision to leave has anything
               to do with Padm�...
               Anakin feels caught, but Palpatine reassures him that his
               secret is safe with him.
               The jedi won't be so understanding. Anakin has betrayed the
               jedi code.
               Palpatine says that it is the jedi who have betrayed the
               republic with their incompetence and lack of vision.
               Palpatine has faith in Anakin. Away from Coruscant, Dooku may
               try again to capture Anakin. Then Anakin can destroy Dooku.
               Surely he won't need help with that.
               Anakin will go to Alderaan to protect several senators,
               including Padm�, as they prepare another peace effort.
               Palpatine asks Anakin to talk to naive senator Padm�, and
               convince her that things are best the way they are under the
               chancellor. Some senators disagree with the harsh measures
               needed to bring order to the republic...

               Anakin and Obi-Wan part ways, as Anakin sets out on his

               Obi-Wan meets up with Yoda. Obi-Wan wonders if it was true
               what the witches of naboo once said, about a dark lord
               surviving the ages in the kyber crystal.
               Yoda suggest that there may also be another way to preserve
               your consciousness.
               Tales exists of the most dedicated Jedi reaching a state of
               existence after death.
               Yoda may have heard Qui-Gon Jinn in the previous episode. Obi
               Wan does not believe this is possible. Yoda ponders this. To
               believe or not...

               A Naboo ship is on route to Alderaan.

               On board, Padm� and her sister, Sab� the queen of Naboo, are
               having dinner.
               Sab� tells Padm� not to trust Anakin. He reacted to the
               pregnancy news just as she predicted!
               The whole pregnancy of single Padm� is a scandal to the royal
               house of Naboo.
               Sab� wonders if Padm� truly knows Anakin.

               They reach Alderaan, where Bail Organa welcomes them.
               Anakin is there too, but Sab� ignores him.

               General Obi-Wan Kenobi is in command of a victory class star
               The crew has spotted a ship that may belong the Trade
               They give pursuit and after a successful boarding operation
               they have taken over the ship.

               Dorm�, Padm�'s handmaiden, has arranged for Padm� and Anakin
               to meet in the palace gardens.
               Padm� knows about Dorm�'s secret affair with senator Bail.
               She tells her handmaiden that their relationship is not

               Anakin and Padm� meet in the gardens.
               They embrace.
               Anakin has indeed been field promoted to knight, but he feels
               he earns more.
               Anakin has made the decision to leave the Order once the war
               is over. Then they can be together.
               Padm� says that Sab� didn't think he would, which angers

               Anakin reveals the plan to find Dooku. Padm� thinks it's much
               too dangerous.
               Anakin gives her a device.
               He has placed a homing beacon inside his bionic arm. When he
               has found Dooku, he can signal for help, and not only the
               jedi, but also padm� will know he's alright.

               Padm� believes they should give negotiations another chance.
               Anakin says that that's not the only reason the senators are
               there. They criticize Palpatine's emergency measures.
               He believes they are conspiring against Palpatine, but Padm�
               says they're only concerned. They need to know what to do
               should things get worse.
               Anakin wants her to be realistic. The chancellor does
               everything to restore law and order and all they do is
               complain about democracy and rights. Anakin thinks a firm
               grip on the galaxy can still ensure enough freedom.
               Padm� can't believe it. Anakin is going against all that he
               has been taught to believe in.

               They get angry.

               Anakin doesn't care about the ordinary people. They're
               The war has changed him. Padm� wonders what Obi-Wan thinks of
               Obi-Wan doesn't know anything. He doesn't even sense what's
               going on between Anakin and PAdm�. He doesn't know about
               Tatooine? Sure, he had to kill Sand people to get to his
               No, reveals Anakin. He killed a whole bunch of men, women,
               and children. He doesn't feel bad about it anymore. He
               probably did some farmers a favor.

               Anakin urges Padm� to listen to him. The Jedi will be too
               weak to matter, the republic army will take its place, and he
               will be part of that. Together, they should help make things
               better. Together they can start a new life.

               But Padm� makes a decision. Anakin should start that life
               without her, without her and the baby...
               Anakin reminds her that she is with him, and that it's his
               child. She can't just walk away.
               But she can. He doesn't own her. She won't come with him.

               She turns away and walks back to the palace. Anakin has been
               He snaps.
               She doesn't need him anymore.
               He grabs her, shakes her, hold her, tells her not to walk
               away from him. She will listen, she's Anakin's. The baby is
               his, she's coming with him!
               She tries to brake free, she hits him,
               He hits her back, hard...
               She falls.

               Anakin comes a bit to his senses. What has he done. But she
               yells at him to leave her alone, to go away.
               So he runs...

               He force-leaps into a valley.
               He runs and runs.
               Seven figures on animals come riding towards him.
               They attack.
               They're droids, and one of them is ILM-4U.
               Anakin destroys the droids, but ILM-4U has a shield. Anakin
               realizes that the droid wants to capture him. This was his
               mission. ILM-4U uses a stun-ray, and Anakin allows himself to
               be rendered unconscious.
               The droid's ship comes flying in, and Anakin is taken inside.

               Dorm� comes to help Padm�, and they see the ship flying away.

               In the ship, ILM-4U encases Anakin in a substance - freezing
               him in a form of stasis, so that the jedi cannot escape.

               In the captured freighter, Obi-Wan and his crew have reached
               the nebula where the new confederacy army is being build.
               They see countless ships and factories.
               On a planet filled with lava they spot countless battle
               They transmit the info back to Coruscant, and start to turn

               On the lava planet Dooku discusses the situation with the
               other confederacy leaders. Dooku reveals that the republic
               forces will come to them, and they will be ready.
               He hears of the ship that entered the system, and he knows
               that a transmission was send. He orders the ship destroyed,
               then he leaves on 'business'.
               The other leaders are worried about where this war will lead

               Obi-Wan's ship comes under attack. There's nowhere to go...

               Back in the Jedi temple the other jedi have received the
               transmission. They are preparing to go to battle.

               In a cramped old base, on an unknown world, Anakin is
               Dooku orders ILM-4U to go back to the others, he will stay
               alone with Skywalker.
               Dooku tells Anakin that he should join him. Dooku knows that
               Anakin has used the dark side several times before. Dooku can
               teach Anakin, learn him how to use more power, to use the
               Force to its fullest.
               He leaves Anakin in his cell to think about things.

               Anakin activates the beacon in his arm.

               On Alderaan, the concerned politicians discuss the political
               situation in the galaxy. They agree that something must be
               done against the lack of democracy, and against palpatine.
               Sab� even suggest using force if things go really wrong. They
               have fought for their freedom before, they should do it again
               if they need to.

               Padm� receives Anakin's signal, and calls for a break.
               Sab� catches up with Padm�. Padm� wants to go after Anakin.
               Even if she left him, he needs help, she still cares about
               Sab� realizes that she can't let Padm� go alone, so they'll
               go together.
               Padm� urges Dorm� and Bail to accept their feelings for each
               other. But they have to go, no time to stay for a wedding or
               something like that!

               Dooku once again explains some stuff to Anakin.
               Why he joined the Dark side. Plus he reveals that the story
               of the kyber crystal was true. Dooku has the crystal! A dark
               lord did survive the ages. His master. They found each other.
               A few hints...then Anakin realizes who this Darth Sidious is!
               Dooku promises Anakin that together they will deal with
               Sidious, and that together they will form a new Order and
               unite the galaxy.

               Padm�, Sab�, and the droids take the royal Naboo cruiser to
               search for Anakin. They have armed guards, fighters... But
               Threepio has a bad feeling about this.

               Dooku starts Anakin's dark side training. Mercy and
               compassion are to be thrown out. Anakin must learn to be
               ruthless and get rid of those who stand in his way.
               Dooku reveals that Obi-Wan will be executed, and the jedi
               will soon be destroyed. There is nothing Anakin can do, and
               there's nothing he should do.

               The Naboo cruiser reaches the system and they find one planet
               with life signs and a bit of technology. They come under
               attack from a Yuzzum ship! The Yuzzum are with the

               Dooku tells Anakin to activate some controls that give the
               attack order. Anakin hesitates...Dooku forces him to push the

               The Naboo ship is under attack, and the Yuzzum board the ship
               with special spheres.
               The girls and handmaidens and droids prepare for the worst.
               The ship is heavily damaged, and they have to escape.
               To help pregnant Padm�, Artoo switches off gravity on board
               the ship. Now they can float through the ship.
               They come across Yuzzum soldiers and a fierce and alien ass
               kicking zero-g fight follows.
               When all is over all handmaidens are dead, and Padm� is
               seriously injured after she tried to save her sister's life.
               The sisters and droids get inside a yuzzum sphere and escape
               the ship as it is blown up.
               The sphere tumbles towards the planet below...

               Dooku reveals to Anakin the senator and queen of naboo had
               been on board the ship. His spies had informed him.
               Anakin is shocked. Padm� carried his child!
               Dooku thinks this is too bad. The child may have made a fine
               apprentice one day...
               This sends Anakin over the edge.
               He grabs Dooku's lightsaber and attacks him.
               Dooku uses Anakin's saber to defend himself, but is pushed
               back into the generator room.
               Anakin defeats Dooku, and drives a saber through Dooku and
               the generator.

               As Anakin runs out into the swamp, the base is engulfed in an
               Dooku is dead.
               Anakin is overcome with emotion.
               Finally he takes Dooku's ship and flies away.

               Elsewhere on the planet the sphere has touched down. Padm� is
               seriously injured. They need help, but sending an ordinary
               distress signal would attract the Yuzzum. Artoo picks up the
               signs of technology not far away.

               The jedi council receives a message from Anakin.
               The message is garbled, but the jedi can make up that Dooku
               is dead, and that the new army will soon be activated.
               Yoda and the others sense a disturbance in the Force, but
               they must attack now.

               The fleet is ready to go.
               Palpatine urges Tarkin to find Anakin and capture the droid
               army intact.
               The fleet jumps into hyperspace, led by a jedi cruiser with
               several jedi masters on board.

               Sab� carefully enters the ruins of the base. She finds a
               computer terminal, and a small crystal - which emanates a
               faint glow...
               The kyber crystal! At last it will be returned to the witches
               of naboo!
               She gets Padm� inside. Padm� has gone into labor!!

               Dooku's ship arrives in the nebula.

               On the lava planet, the confederacy leaders have gathered in
               a small arena to witness the death of Obi-Wan. He hangs
               crucified by chains over a lava pool, and will be lowered
               into it.
               Then Anakin comes in, and kills Rune Haaku. He tells the
               others that Dooku is death. They will soon follow.
               The others escape, while Anakin kills the guards.

               Locked inside the theater, Anakin approaches Obi-Wan. He
               won't free Obi-Wan.
               Anakin reveals that Padm� is dead, that she carried his
               It's all Obi-Wan's fault. He's a lousy master. The jedi
               teachings are worthless. They could have been together, but
               he was held back.
               It's over. Anakin will let Obi-Wan rot away.
               But Obi was right about one thing: Palpatine is the Sith
               Anakin escapes through a hatch.
               Obi-Wan uses the Force to free himself, and also goes through
               the hatch.

               The Republic fleet enters the nebula, but they came out of
               hyperspace to close to the enemy ships. Several ships
               A huge battle erupts.
               The confederacy forces are very ready! Skywalker was wrong!
               On his destroyer, Tarkin contacts the confederacy leadership.

               Back on Coruscant the remaining Jedi, including Mace and
               Yoda, receive a message from Obi-Wan. Obi tells them that
               Anakin has betrayed them, and that Palpatine is Sidious.

               In his office, Palpatine has intercepted the transmission,
               and prepares for what is to come...

               On the lava planet, Anakin confronts Obi-Wan.
               Obi-Wan tries to talk some sense into Anakin, but Anakin
               attacks him.
               Obi-Wan doesn't want to fight and runs away.

               The Jedi back home prepare to take on Palpatine, who will
               surely use his troops to stop them.
               They've also received a message from senator Organa. The
               naboo girls went to the Dagobah system after they got
               Anakin's signal, but are now missing.
               Yoda knows that they're all going to be busy...

               On Dagobah, Artoo may find a way to take over the controls of
               the droid army. After all, this was Dooku's base, and that
               was his computer terminal.
               As scary as the situation with Padm� is, the girls order
               Artoo to do whatever he can.

               The space battle rages on.
               The jedi get the message about Palpatine, and that they
               should look for Obi-Wan, but the transmission is being
               Tarkin is ordered by Palpatine to negotiate an end to the war
               with the confederacy, and to find Anakin. The jedi will be
               declared traitors. They plotted against the republic. They
               need to be destroyed. Tarkin is all too happy to do that.

               Anakin fights Obi-Wan in a factory where transports are
               constructed. Obi-Wan falls to outside, Anakin goes after him,

               The Jedi on Coruscant attack the supreme chancellor's
               Clone troops and ships attack them.
               Mace, Yoda, and other Jedi enter the building and fight their
               way throught the hallways.

               On the lava planet Anakin searches for Obi-Wan. Then a
               transport flies over Anakin's head. Two jedi jump out, and
               Obi-Wan also shows himself.
               Anakin fights them all three and kills the two other jedi.
               Obi-Wan is injured by lava.
               The transports flies very low, and surprises Anakin. He is
               knocked out.

               Tarkin reaches an agreement with the confederacy leaders.
               Now both confederacy ships and republic ships fire at the
               jedi in their fighters and ships!
               More and more jedi are killed.

               The Jedi temple on coruscant comes under attack from ships
               and troops. Jedi and younglings try to escape, but many don't
               make it.

               Mace and three other jedi reach the area in the building
               where Palpatine is.
               They find him as Sidious.
               Royal guards attack them.
               The guards are killed, but one jedi is killed by the guards,
               and the other two are quickly killed by Sidious himself.

               Mace now fights Sidious, who tells the jedi that the sith
               will rule an empire once again.
               After a fierce Force fight the Jedi is killed.

               Yoda comes in, and fights Sidious, who even uses Force
               Lightning against the jedi master.
               Yoda deflects some of the lightning back, and Sidious is hit,
               changing his face.
               Finally Sidious manages to force-lightning-throw Yoda out of
               the window, but Yoda force-pulls the sith lord with him.
               Both fall and fall - Sidious manages to hold on to a ledge.
               Yoda keeps falling, but uses the Force to slow down and he
               survives. But he's been seriously hurt.
               He presses a button on a device.

               From the hangars in the jedi temple Obi-Wan's former jedi
               fighter comes to life. It's astromech unit pilots the craft
               away, as the temple is destroyed...

               On the lava planet the small transport flies away, but droid
               fighters give pursuit.
               Jedi babe Aayla Secura pilots the craft. Obi-Wan and Anakin
               are inside. Anakin is tied up and unconscious, but he comes
               He manages to force-pull his saber away from Obi-Wan, and
               free himself.
               He may need some more training after all, but it won't be
               from Obi-Wan! Anakin jumps out! Obi-Wan follows!

               Above in space the jedi have lost. The jedi cruiser is badly
               hit, but they keep on fighting.
               Then suddenly the droid forces stop firing on the jedi, and
               start attacking each other!
               Total confusion as everybody fights everybody and everything!
               The jedi decide to retreat. They will have to run, hide, and
               fight another day!
               The jedi cruiser is too badly damaged, and heads straight
               towards Tarkin's destroyer.
               Tarkin makes his escape. They have located Anakin's signal,
               and this would be a good time to leave.
               As Tarkin escapes in a transport, the jedi cruiser hits the
               destroyer and both are blown up.
               A bunch of jedi fighters manages to escape...into
               hyperspace...and a dangerous future...

               The confederacy leaders realize that the droid forces are
               controlled by someone else. They try to escape, but rows and
               rows of battle droids attack them, killing them all.
               ILM-4U manages to get away...

               Artoo has done it!
               The droid forces are now controlled from their computer
               terminal. Sab� orders Artoo to let the droids fight, and turn
               on each other. Nobody will be able to use the massive droid
               armies to take control of the galaxy!
               Padm� is about to give's time...

               On the lava planet, Anakin confronts Obi-Wan. He tells Obi
               Wan to leave him, he knows what he's doing. Obi-Wan can't do
               that. Either Anakin comes with him, or he will be killed. Obi
               Wan doesn't want that, but Anakin is lost. Obi-Wan will be
               Anakin attacks!
               The most intense lightsaber fight ever follows.
               Obi-Wan loses his saber.
               The two men struggle for Anakin's saber.
               Anakin almost kills Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan calms down, uses the
               Force for extra strength...
               The saber swipes down.
               Anakin is shocked...
               Falls backwards over the edge of the cliff they were fighting
               His lower legs have been cut off!
               Anakin falls on the scorching hot bank of a lava river...
               A horrible scream...

               Obi-Wan uses the Force to levitate Anakin back up, but it's
               too late.
               Anakin is horribly injured...
               Obi-Wan cries for his lost friend.
               Tarkin's transport arrives, and troops open fire at Obi-Wan.
               Obi-Wan leaps over the cliff, but lands on top of the jedi
               transport, and makes his escape.
               Tarkin turns his attention to what used to be Anakin

               A jedi fighter is under attack from the yuzzum ship!
               A corvette from Alderaan (the Tantive 4) attacks the ship,
               and is joined by the jedi transport.
               The yuzzum ship is destroyed.
               The ships move to the swamp planet - Dagobah.

               At the destroyed base the transport, fighter, and a small
               shuttle have landed.
               Bail, Dorm�, Aayla and Threepio carry a stretcher with Padm�
               on it out of the base.
               Sab� carries a big bundle in her arms.

               Yoda and Obi-Wan discuss what needs to be done.
               Yoda talks difficult now, the result of his injuries.
               Some jedi will fight, others will hide. They must hide for
               now, wait...prepare for the inevitable confrontation.
               They must conceal the baby thing from the sith lord.
               Obi-Wan suggest erasing the memories of the droids. The
               others won't talk.

               Padm� asks to be placed down.
               It's too late.
               Sab� won't accept it, but it's over.
               Padm� is dying.
               A few final words, a plea to protect the...
               With her friends standing around her, Padm� dies.

               Obi-Wan looks at Padm�, at the bundle that Sab� lies down on
               her sister. He gazes up at the stars, and listens to the
               crying of a baby...

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