Earthquakes around the world
Aftershocks usually follow an earthquake. The first earthquake is mostly the strongest.
Many weaker earthquakes or aftershocks occur after the main quake for next 2 to 3
days. But aftershocks due the main earthquake take place for weeks and months, less
in frequency and strength. Even after 2 years aftershocks have been recorded. The
readjustment of the plates is never perfect after a quake. Their touching edges need to
be smoother. This additional realignment creates the smaller aftershocks. When the
earth�s plates finally stop grinding against each other, the surface landscape  changes
over huge areas near the earthquake�s cente. The already weakened structures may be
damaged further by aftershocks. The number or timing of aftershocks can not be

    Past records show that each year more than 1,000 eartquakes of manitude 5 and more
take place. More than 10,000 quakes of varying magnitudes between 4 to 5 take place
every year. The number grows larger for weaker quakes. The number of earthquakes
with magnitudes of 8 and greater is less than one each year. However, each year there
are about 10 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or greater and 100 earthquakes of magnitude
6 or greater.

  So far no scientific group could relate their occurance with other natural events, like
tides, full moon, solar cycle, position of stars or other heavenly bodies. However
staistical data are analysed to find any relationship with all other known events to
find a possible hint to earthquake's occurance either before or after any regular or
odd activity of nature. Any weak hint to the trigger mechanism  may lead to the
answer one day.

   The intensity of eartquakes are related to the damage due to shaking in the
following table.

Intensity 1 and 2.
Only a few people may feel a very slight shaking. No damage is caused.

Intensity 3 and 4.
Observers do not notice anything if they are outdoors. People inside a static
stucture or building notice swinging lamps, waves in liquids, slight rattling of a window.

Intensity 5  and 6.
Almost everyone feels movement. Doors swing. Dishes are broken.
Pictures on the wall move. Liquids might spill out of open containers. Objects fall from
shelves. Pictures fall off walls. Furniture moves. Trees and bushes shake. Damage is
slight in poorly built  buildings and structures.
Previous page
Intensity 7  and 8.
Drivers feel trouble in steering their cars as they shake. Some furniture breaks. Loose
bricks fall from buildings. Damage is slight to moderate in well-built buildings;
considerable in poorly built buildings. Tall structures such as towers and chimneys might
twist and fall. Tree branches break. Hillsides might crack. Water levels in wells might
change. Animals and birds get scared. Several aftershocks are expected for days.

Intensity 9  and 10.
IX. Well-built buildings suffer severe damage. Houses  move off their foundations.
Water pipes are broken. Reservoirs suffer serious damage. Some bridges are destroyed.
Dams are seriously damaged. Large landslides occur. The ground cracks in large areas.
Railroad tracks are bent slightly. People can not stand or run.

Intensity 11  and 12.
All buildings and bridges collapse. Large cracks appear in the ground. Underground
pipelines are destroyed. Railroad tracks are badly bent. Almost everything is destroyed.
Objects are thrown into the air. The ground moves in waves or ripples. Large amounts
of rock may move.
Millions of people may never experience an earthquake although they are very
common events on this planet. Today, somewhere, an earthquake will occur.
It may be so light that only sensitive instruments will detect its details, it may
shake buildings, rattle windows, and throw small objects, or it may be quite
strong to damage property, cause death and misery.
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An apartment building in San Francisco�s Marina District
shows heavy damage from a 1989 earthquake
Monthly data of earthquakes taken place
from February 01 till now
common questions on earthquakes
recent earthquake
cause of earthquake
earthquake picture
earthquake information
earthquake occurrence
-------------large earthquakes-----------
California Earthquakes
Site Map
Major earthquakes in years
Large earthquakes where and when?
Recent earthquake in America
Earthquake predictions for next 2 months
Earthquake preparedness - level 1 - level 2
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