The Extra Bits
Alright now, these are the extra bits for Farthing Wood Foxes.
Here I'll put up your profiles and so on. I'll put my character's profile on here too. Sorry that I can't fix the front page for soem reason. Our Co-owner is Caroline. She plays Plucky. If you need to know about these things I'll tell you a site that can give you some help. Well anyway, you don't have to do a profile but you can if you want. Here are the links to profiles I have. If you want me to do one for yours just e-mail me.
The young leader of the Red foxes he is smart but headstrong. I don't always follow the book but I'll give you the info on him from the book and series.
Name: Bold
Colour: Red fox
Aliagent: Neutrel (in book) Good (in RPG)
Animal: Fox
Mate: Whisper (in book) None at the moment (in game)
Offspring: Plucky in series, Husky and three other cubs in the book. None in the game.
Seires: Came in series 2 but was mentioned as being Plucky's father in series 3.
The second leader of the red foxes after his son and a wise fox. He is one of the most favoured characters and everyone respects him.
Name: Fox
Animal: Fox
Colour: Red
Aligement: Good
Mate: Vixen, None in the RPG so far
Cubs: None in the rpg but had Charmer, Friendly, Bold, and Dreamer, in the books.
The evil leader and the one nobody likes but don't want to mess with.
Name: Scarface
Animal: Fox
Colour: Blue
Aliegement: Evil
Mate: Lady Blue (in book not sure at the moment though)
Cubs: Blaze, Bounder, Ranger and several others over the years.
Info on the books and the whole thing             Poppy's Profile       Ranger's Profile 
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