Holiday Gift Ideas...
These "Holiday Gift Ideas" aren't just for Yulre or Christmas but can be utilized year round with a little creativity on all our parts...Remember the Earth is Our Mother, Treat Her with Respect .
~Luna-Star Xylia
LINKS: For Ecolgically Minded Children's Gifts
Book Idea:

"Earth-Friendly Holidays: How to Make Fabulous Gifts and Decorations from Reusable Objects"
George Pfiffner
        Ecological and Money-Saving Ideas
                       For the Holidays:

Wrapping Gifts:

* Use old maps, comic pages from the newspaper, and brown bags from the grocery store instead of wrapping paper.
* Let the kidlets decorate the brown paper for a personal touch.
* Avoid buying glossy wrapping paper as it is treated with harmful chemicals. Use recycled wrapping paper instead.


* If you send holiday cards, buy recycled products, but without glitter or shiny paper.
* Make holiday postcards from last year's holiday cards by cutting off the front flap, writing on the back. Keep this year's cards for next holiday season.


* Instead of buying a tree that will have to be thrown away after the season, buy a living tree that can be planted in your yard or at a local park.


* A magazine subscription can be shared by everyone in the family and lasts all year.
* Candles, a potted plant, or tickets to the theater or a concert are all gifts that do not create a lot of waste.
* You could make something by hand or make a homemade flip-book, scrapbook or a photo album.
* Perhaps the person who has everything, or shut-ins and even college kids, as well as our Service men and women, would like something that they can use up. Prepare homemade gifts, cookies, bread or jams.
* Gifts of yourself and your time make the best presents. Like offering to babysit so they can enjoy a shopping time and a date with their S.O. or help with wrapping presents. Many people, especially those of us with special needs, chronic conditions or the elderly need help but do not wantto be a bother and ask for help. So be someone's Santa's Helper or a Good Elf and help them enjoy their holidays as well.

Remember this is a Season of Giving:

* So give to the Needy, the Homeless and the Helpless. Your money, your time, clothing and items you have no need of to the Women's Shelter for Abused Women and the Homeless Shelters...even a pair of mittens or socks to a Homeless person is a blessing to them and to you!
And involve your children in the Giving, let them learn
it really is better to give than to receive.

            Holiday Blessings to All !
                        ~Luna-Star Xylia
      Kidlet Gift Ideas:
* Craft Boxes: Fill a clear plastic box or recycle a shoe box , wrapped in a cheerful paper or wallpaper scraps, with crayons, washable markers, pipe cleaners and crafty odds and ends.
Let's Pretend Boxes: Look for thrift store and yard sale items such as used clothing, and accessories to fil a box with for Creative Play and Dress-up.
More Ideas:
* Get an appropiately aged and interest Magazine Subscription for the child(ren).
For distant relatives:
* Make a scrapbook or photo albumn of your child's or chidren's Artwork, a newsy letter or a tape recording of greetings.
Teen and Young Adult Gift Ideas:
* Long distance calling cards are great.
* Stamps and Stationery for those with penpals or whom like to write letters.
* A Movie or Theatre Pass, a Gift Card from their Favorite Store, even a Gas Card for those who drive! Or a Bus Pass for those who do not drive.
* A Gift Certificate from a Music or Video Store.
* Gift Subscription to a Museum.
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