Come warm yourself by the Yule fire and sip a cup of wassail, ale or cup of hot cocoa... Welcome  all and let us make Merry together!
The Stag ~
Symbol of the Horned God
Ye Children All of Mother Earth

By Ellen Reed

"It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"

Ye children all of Mother Earth
Join hands and circle around
To celebrate the Solstice night
When our lost Lord is found
Rejoice, the year has begun again
The Sun rise above
So share the season together now
In everlasting love
In Our Home...
We burn candles of Bayberry (for abundance) or Pine for a delightful scent to go with our Yule Tree.
And Cinnamon scents abound along with Ginger and Vanilla in the kitchen, often the wonderful smell of cookies fresh from the oven. My Yule time fudge is always made and being eaten by my family and given as gifts as well.
We keep hot cocoa mix in stock! And never ever forget the marshmallows! I like a tad of whipped cream for a treat on mine!
We are having our first official Yule observance this year. So many "new to us" traditions will be made in our home this year and hopefully in the years to follow.
We like to give gifts to the needy, and try to keep the commercilization down to a dull roar.
And this year I hope to have us all each make atleast one gift for one  another.
I like to crochet and hope to do some granny square afghans this year.
I always end up with atleast one cat curled up on my lap as I sit peacefully crocheting! Cats do make great lap warmers !
Winter is always a good time to get out some Classics to read to and with your children.
"Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott is a favorite with us. And "The Circle Round" by Starhawk.

Seasons Greetings!
                  ~Luna-Star Xylia
Carols, Yuletime Songs and Yule Links:





Craft Links:

Yule or Winter Solstice is usually on December 21st.  It is the shortest day of the year and is celebrated as the birth of the Sun King from the Goddess. Christians observe Christmas as the birth of the Son of God. (Though His birth would have atually occured in Autumn based on many historical and practical sources.)
And Yule celebrates the peoples thankfulness that the days will be lengthened once more.
It is  a joyous occassion and celebrated wuth great joy and merriment.
Feasting, singing and dancing and the burning of a Yule log is just some of the activities on this glorious holiday.
The stag represents the horned God and symbols of the sun are used. Light is celebrated by the lighting of candles and the yule log.
Stay warm by cudding!!!
Sweet Home
Gift Ideas
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