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Jeff reviews:

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

June 11, 2005
2005, 2 hrs, Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence, intense action, sexual content and brief strong language. Dir: Doug Liman. Cast: Brad Pitt (John Smith), Angelina Jolie (Jane Smith), Vince Vaughn (Eddie).

I know the trailer was great, but the question remained, whether Mr. and Mrs. Smith could build on a great premise for two whole hours, that of a married couple (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie) finding out that the other is a super-secret-sexy assassin and ordered to kill each other? In other words, is there any there there?

Yes, absolutely, unequivocally, by all means, and the film is a great romp at that.

Is that a 9mm strapped to your leg or are you just trying to kill me?
I don't care if they're dating, but isn't it more fun to watch two impossibly attractive actors with killer good looks (literally) try to blow each other to smithereens?

Mr. and Mrs. Smith uses so much wattage from its star power it burned the lights out in the entire 15-screen theater. Well, that, or it was the 30-mph winds from the oncoming tropical storm, Arlene. Must be nice to be so attractive that a Pitt or Jolie gets dull.

Smith starts out as a typical couples comedy, with Bradgelina bored with their marriage and looking for a spark. They're not mean to one another; they just don't communicate.

What they really want to do is discuss their days honestly, like, "Honey, I whacked an international arms smuggler," for instance.

Instead, it turns out like this:

She: "If you don't like (the new curtains) we can take them back."

He: "Okay, I don't like them."

She: "You'll get used to them."

When quips aren't flying, the audience dodges bullets, knives, bazookas... you know, whatever's handy around the home, including automobiles, especially one made for desperate suburban housewives to see what is possible in a minivan. Director Doug Liman previously worked on The Bourne Identity, so you know what I mean because that movie and the sequel kicked a**.

Honey, did you remember to pay the gas bill?
The way Bradgelina play it off when they know the other is an assassin but they don't want to admit that they know that they know, is adorable. Then they fight. Hard. Don't take any of it to heart, though, since it's played for laughs to the music "Express Yourself" as one kicks the crap out of the other, then gets the same treatment in a cycle of dirty fighting. Cinderella Man wishes it could have been this carnal (though not as amusing).

I feel like I need to reiterate: Smith is a frolicking caper. This is NOT War of the Roses. It's more like The Negotiator if Kevin Spacey and Sam Jackson were married and killed bad people instead of talking them down. Okay, so they're completely different. This is neither a black comedy where they kill each other nor is it emotional; you're going to watch a summer blockbuster full of genuine laughs and you know that by the third act that Pitt and Jolie will be working together.

Usually I'm not a fan of Jolie and I can't think of anything Pitt did that wasn't worth the box office, but both carried this film to the hilt. I should also note that for those who see the opposite gender in terms of sex appeal, Bradgelina look fabulous, and I particularly noted her in all kinds of skimpy outfits, including dominatrix. (I never said I didn't find her mouth-wateringly attractive.) Brad gets an underwear shot and had a few rear shots of him nude in Troy, so shut your whining yaps, women folk. Not that I'd care. And where's my sandwich?

I'm not saying that this is the proper way to conduct a relationship, I'm just saying that if it works for them, who can judge? Just remember that it's not good to undermine your spouse in front of the hostage. Oh, and only assassinate bad people. Don't worry, you'll know.

The verdict:


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