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Jeff reviews:

Eight Below

Feb. 17, 2006
2006, 1 hr 55 min., Rated PG for some peril and brief mild language. Dir: Frank Marshall. Cast: Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood, Jason Biggs, Moon Bloodgood.

On account of this being Unoriginal Idea Day, I'll go ahead and be the five-trillion billionth reviewer to call Eight Below "March of the Sled Dogs."

See, 'cause we're in the Antarctic like March of the Penguins, and there are dogs instead of flightless birds trying to survive the bitter cold, seals and desolate climate.

Penguins got a lot of business on the Cute Animal Factor, and similarly, Eight Below is rated DOG for lovable dogs, overzealous owners and gratuitous scenes of awwwwwww.

You think you won't get invested, but the doggie woggies are so adorably fluffy wuffy and you just wanna snuggle and boochy coochy coo! Hollywood has truly gone to the dogs.

Ahem. I apologize.

Beforehand we're told that Eight Below was "inspired by a true story." In other words, there are scientists in remote areas of the Antarctic, and they have sled dogs who might have to be left behind, and it's very cold, but other than that it's all made up.

Dry Paul Walker (The Fast and The Furious) is Dogs' Best Friend, forced to leave them behind for the winter, desperately trying to get back and find out what happened. After all, the pups can't just slit open a tauntaun and wait for a snowspeeder to find them the next day.

Unfortunately, when Paul gets back he finds they all suffered, died and were half-eaten by polar bears.

Okay, everything but the "gets back" part is a lie. What, you thought this was a dark and gritty David Fincher flick?

In other casting, the dogs aren't the only ones who are loyal and affectionate. American Pie doofus Jason Biggs plays the goofy sidekick cartographer with seemingly nothing to offer until things look their bleakest.

The doubting scientist is Bruce Greenwood in a role that Tom Skerritt usually hoards in films with bigger budgets, and if you're not into bitches but like the ladies, eye candy is provided by No. 99 in Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2005 list, Moon Bloodgood as Walker's love interest.

This is Disney-fied feel-good entertainment, and I dare you to come away without feeling good. I admit, it got a little dusty in my theater. Darn allergies.

There are a couple of scenes of dogs in peril and two don't make it alive, so little kids might be upset. Older kids, however, like the playful antics of the dogs and between Walker and Biggs. (OK, me too.)

In fact, there's nothing like a good survival tale with animals to bring out the kid in you, so much that by the end when Walker and Maxim hottie kiss I was uncomfortable, all, "ewww, cooties." By the way, I'm 30.

It's a might refreshing that there's not one explosion or gunfire, viewers get plenty of cute animals and breathtaking scenery, all apparently sponsored by Fresca, a uniquely sophisticated sparkling citrus soft drink ideal for moments of perfectly relaxed pleasure - it's a taste and a feeling all wrapped into one.

Eight Below is vibrant and unique on its own, and ideal for entertainment that goes down tingly. Plus there are doggies!

The verdict:


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