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Peachy Keen
The family comes to Atlanta for a visit, March 2007.

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Surprisingly, Dad thought it was funny that Nate would have A-Ha's "Take on Me" in his iPod folder.
(Next comes Dad's email: "What the heck is an 'A-Ha'?")

I'm not sure what Suc King Toad soup is, but I'm having some!

We go together like John & Abigail Adams, like Robert & Elizabeth Barrett Browning, like Han & Leia, like Tom & Katie (well, except for all the brainwashing and cults).

In China it's customary to leave paper towel rolls in gardens for feng-shui purposes.

Gabriel didn't understand that his granddad worked with numbers for a living, so we just told him that his granddad is a pirate and that seemed to go over pretty well.

I tried explaining that in the new Chinese New Year, all nephews are required to give their chicken nuggets to uncles.

Welcome to ... uh ... Tlant ... um ... Pi/Lant/High Heel?

Just play along with Gabriel's invisible airplane, and we all go home happy.

If you thought it was difficult to keep Kong chained, it takes two to restrain the little Natebug.

"Let me go! I need to be free, to play, to sing and dance! Don't stifle my creativity!"

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