About Me

Travel Exploits and Advice

My Home Page

Greetings and Salutations - welcome to my Home page. Though I realize that most, if not all, home pages are needless expressions of self-importance and a statement on the prevalence of author's free time, I nonetheless have created one.

In doing so, I have strived to create a page that I hope will provide at least a semblance of useful knowledge and thus make a positive contribution to this thing we call the "Inter-net"

My page is currently divided into two sections; the first is on myself and includes pictures and information. The second is entitled "Travel Exploits and Advice", and serves to highlight information concerning my travels through 27 countries of this world. I hope those of you who share my travel bug infection will find it useful, or at least entertaining.

Should you find anything on this page so enthralling as to warrant comment, do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Until then, Adieu.

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