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by: Climhazzard

In the NBA, there's a special award called all-NBA First Team. This means the league selects the 5 best individual players in a particular season. Well, we can do the same here; Final Fantasy style...

Based from all Final Fantasy sequels been released, we select the five best characters that we know, experienced and played with; in any kinds of jobs and abilities.. We'll start from my FabFive. Here's a breakdown of each member:

< > Squall Leonhart : I have to start to my personal favorite. He's a good slasher in my point of view. He handles his specialty very well and based from FF8's system that anyone can use magic, he can be a good one as well. He has very good limit breaks. He also has a good maximum HP although it needs to be junctioned, too bad. Among the FF8 members, he's the most reliable I believe, not just he's the primary character. He's the "damage dealer" of my party, and is strong in that aspect. The problem is he's so emotional to watch and his Lion Heart limit needs a lot of luck. But above all of these, he's a fighter by heart, mind and soul. A good leader and will steer victory against all odds.

< > Aeris Gainsborough : Why did she died in the first place? What the heck?!, her limits absolutely rock! Her limits give the team something to be happy with because she has the extraordinary limits, like "The Pulse of Life" which restores full health to all allies, "Great Gospel" as her extreme limit and "Fury Brand" to make other characters use their own limits. She's designed to be a backup healer of the squad and can help attacking if necessary. If she would be alive, she'll gonna be the one to summon Knights of the Round, the most powerful summon in FF7. She's the first of 2 girls in my squad.

< > Zidane Tribal : He's the one that provides dexterity and agility that others lack of. He can steal items from anyone; coz he's a Genome bandit, and with the "Master Thief" ability equipped, rare items can be stolen from a monster and that monster will cry with nothing to spare. His limits are extremely helpful because of assuring heavy damage it may bring. Also a good "damage dealer" and a more interesting fact is he'll be my "tanker", although he's not the best in that role. It means he's the one to get damaged by the enemies and the main role of that is to protect the mages from being squashed. He has the "Protect Girls" ability and a higher HP than the unjunctioned Squall. Another good thing about him is his skill called "Thievery", a physical attack skill. Just steal and steal and that skill's damage will increase and may reach 9999 in no time. It's effective to any enemies whom you'll face, even secret bosses...

< > Vivi Ornitier : Yes, the master of black mages!!! He's included, too. His extreme magic stat will certainly help the squad a lot. If there's a time that monsters/enemies can't be damaged physically, then do it with magic; summoning is an alternative way. The ability to "focus" can be a good start to his attacks and cast it the next time. He can also cast Osmose to refresh his MP. He can dish out devastating damage, especially when his magic skills reach full throttle, and the enemy shall say goodbye to his/her self. Well the big deal here is someone has to protect him or he will be useless at all. If he has nothing that he can do, might as well help to cast items on someone and/or sit out there and waste time.

< > Princess Garnet Til Alexandros 17th: The fifth member. She's very essential to the squad because she's the main healer and the Summoner as well. It's made possible by a huge MP boost as part of her abilities. I know it's annoying to think that you heal and heal and heal, but she can summon too and her "Eidolon" limit break (or Trance) is great to have, coz you summon your eidolon (summoned character) over and over again, at least thrice. What I mean is she can also give great damage aside from healing here and there. Like Vivi, she must be protected at all costs, and remember white mages are more important in critical conditions. Why wait for that critical condition to come??

There you go, that's it!!! You may criticize it but it's okay, I accept and respect it because people have different opinions, right? You may think where's the jump ability?, Why don't you have a character like Steiner that gives massive physical damage? Why don't include Eiko in your squad that can cast two white magic skills at the same time?

This documentary was made because I'm an opinionated person, and I wanna hear what others would probably say about it. Well in later time I have to pass the same question made by truly yours, *Climhazzard*.

Now, who's your all-Final Fantasy first team???


Hey what can I say here... It is the first documentary of Climhazzard. But nonetheless, his documentary is completely outstanding!!! Thanks for everything Master Climmy.



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