Attention Elite Guardian Force clan members!!! (and guests)

I bid you welcome. The Elite Guardian Force is one of the longest running clans of the interactive chat room on Philippine television, MORPH. Also formerly from the interactive chat room, THE FUSE. The Elite Guardian Force is composed of people that had been bonded through means of text messaging by using their individual mobile phones. While the name of the clan itself was taken from one of the greatest Role Playing Games in the history of video gaming, Final Fantasy. Each and everyone of the members of Elite Guardian Force has their own respective nicknames that are used, known and visualized in MORPH. Many nicknamed themselves after Final Fantasy characters, creatures and others. While the rest nicknamed themselves after other Role Playing Game and Anime characters. This website views information about the Elite Guardian Force clan. It includes the members, the people involved, experiences and many more. while on top that, I included some views about the Role Playing Game that started it all, Final Fantasy. On the left portion of this window, you see all my essential links of the Elite Guardian Force clan and links to my so called "documentaries" that' I've made myself. Click on the hyperlinks to view information. On the top portion of this window, you'll see links that lead to info about Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XI, Tactics and the movie. Please feel free to explore this website... Your enjoyment is my appreciation. KUPO!!!

I'm sorry to inform the viewer of this website that I have absolutely no media to download. Only pictures that I've made up myself. All I have here are info regarding Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XI, Tactics and the Spirits Within. If you're looking for downloadable multimedia files, please visit the affiliates of my chosen websites. And if you notice any mistakes regarding this website, please report it to BLUE_MOOGLE at these celphone numbers (Only in the Philippines). GLOBE - 09167202345 or SMART - 09182650581.




I would like to thank the following people for making this website possible. All the people from Squaresoft who had made such a great game. To boss Zidane, founder of Elite Guardian Force and to his pioneers. To Elite Guardian Force's president and grandfather, Neil Sta. Ana a.k.a. SIR_AURON. To Elite Guardian Force's Vice president, Jeremy Pascua a.k.a. Leviathan. And finally myself, Julzz "BLUE_MOOGLE" Villanueva for making this website in tribute to all the members of the Elite Guardian Force Clan, RPG gamers and Anime lovers everywhere...

Your enjoyment is my appreciation... KUPO!!!


0 / 00 / 00 - I've been researching for information regarding the Final Fantasy series. From my own experience in playing, to asking my pals' experiences in playing to surfing Final Fantasy websites all over the net. All the information you can see here in this website is what I've came out with.

0 / 00 / 00 - I've been working on pictures and such for the website to look cool. And I suggested to myself that I make a picture of a Blue Moogle. I mean afterall... Moogles are very interesting beings of Final Fantasy (and the fact that it involves my Nickname in Elite Guardian Force). Don't ask me if I don't like making pictures of Chocobos, Cactuars, Tonberries, Moombas, and other Final Fantasy trademark creatures.

0 / 00 / 00 - I started making the so called "documentaries" that you can able to read in this website. And I decided to burn a few brain cells and started sharing what I thought about myself. I know it sucks in my part but it's a way of making a living.

0 / 00 / 00 - In behalf of LADY_YUNA of EGF, please visit her message board. I have inputted a link to her message board from Then, thanks to our president SIR_AURON, I have finally created a link to MORPH's website. Also he instructed me to input a link to EGF yahoo groups owned by SIR_AURON and moderated by STRAGO (and formerly by ZANMATO) of EGF. Please view the following links that was mentioned for more details.

0 / 00 / 00 - Elite Guardian Force was given a guestbook for Elite Guardian Force members and guests to sign and comment about the website itself. Although I can expect negative comments, the least of those comments will not a problem (I hope!!!). Then the website was redesigned into it's fading black to white color.

0 / 00 / 00 - Profiles have been made... barely!!! I know the fading color of black to white sucks but please bear with it until we figure out a new design. Otherwise, we will be forced to bring back the previous (stupid) design. KUPO!!! Gets?

0 / 00 / 00 - A secret HTML document was uploaded within this website. The document contains classified information of the author's inspiration that he can't mention. There are only three people (yet!) who know the address of the secret HTML. Two of them are EGF high ranking officials and the third is BLUE_MOOGLE.

0 / 00 / 00 - Elite Guardian Force's group pics have been posted in this website. Also posted are the one's who sent them. And Blue Moogle's black project has been uploaded in this website. Due to limited space in julzzville47 web add, I'd rather upload it here in Elite Guardian Force's website. It is entitled MYTHIUM D13.

0 / 00 / 00 - In behalf of the current events that has been reported so far, I've made a webpage that will post the issues of the Elite Guardian Force. Just goes to show that we will keep you updated as well as we can. And also as soon as possible. If there is a notice of a blinking "NEW", expect that there is a new issue.

If you have any comments or suggestions, E-mail the author at [email protected]

All rights reserved
(c) JulzzVille project


It's a Blue Moogle's world in here. Sorry I can't be perfect KUPO!!!

EGF links

- Members' profile

- EGF Clan mate list from 1 - 289

- EGF group pics

- Lady Yuna's message board

- Griever's website

- EGF Yahoo groups

- Blue Moogle presents, MYTHIUM D13

- Sign Guestbook

- View Guestbook

EGF Documentaries

- The Author

- Inspiration

- The fear of becoming evil

- 10 reasons why text mates don't reply

- 50 most romantic things to do with your BF or GF

- The origin of summon monsters

- Who's your all Final Fantasy team?

- EGF Clanmate and Ragnarok monster comparison

- College... the Best of times, the Worst of times

- Japanese girls in their school uniforms

- Difference between heaven and hell

- Obsession to RPG

- Griever's theoretical origin

- The Road not taken

- 10 Ways to protect yourself from hack

- Hikari lyrics

- Nusumenai Houseki lyrics

- Small Two Of Pieces lyrics






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