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Weapon Attack Attack%
Chain Whip 12 103
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly March 100
Items Required Acquired from
1 Spider Web
2 M-stone pieces
Caterchipillar (Balamb Forest)
Bite Bug, Funguar, Buel, Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps, Belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexuar, Bomb, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Elastoid, Gesper, Blitz, Death Claw, Abyss Worm, Gayla, Armadodo (level 1-19)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Slaying Tail 14 104
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly May 200
Items Required Acquired from
1 Sharp Spike
2 Magic Stones
Great Mantis (Centra Wasteland), Death Claw
Bite Bug, Funguar, Buel, Jelleye, Glacial Eye, Creeps, Belhelmel, Blobra, T-Rexuar, Bomb, Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Elastoid, Gesper, Blitz, Death Claw, Abyss Worm, Gayla, Armadodo (level 1-19)


Weapon Attack Attack%
Red Scorpion 20 105
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly June 400
Items Required Acquired from
2 Ochu Tentacles
2 Dragon Skins
Ochu (G-Forest, Trabia Forest)
Anacondaur (Dollet forest), Blue Dragon


Weapon Attack Attack%
Save the Queen 25 107
Magazine Required Price
Weapons Monthly July 800
Items Required Acquired from
2 Malboro Tentacles
4 Sharp Spikes
4 Energy Crystals
Malboro (Grandidi Forest)
Great Mantis (Centra Wasteland), Death Claw
Elnoyle (Esthar City), Behemoth, Ruby Dragon (level 35-100)

Quistis' Chain Whip list

Chain Whips

Chain Whips are Quistis' weapons that is somehow similar to a common whip only made out of bound chains.

In the middle portion of this window, you'll see the list of all of Quistis' chain whips to be remodeled throughout the game. Quistis' chain whips are arranged from her original weapon which is the weakest to the most powerful. Each chain whip show it's name, attack power, attack rating, it's required magazine, remodeling price and items requirements also the enemies carrying them.


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