Alexander, Alixand, of Tetbury in 1735

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.
Alexander Weddings before 1700
Richard Elexander wed Mary Warren 26 Aug 1633
Margrett Alexander wed William Jones 7 Nov 1638
Joseph Alexander wed Frances Clare 4 June 1655
An Alexander wed Charles Skerton 26 Sept 1667
Samuel Alexsander wed Mary Hill 24 Oct 1672
Alice Alexander wed William Masters 2 Sept 1675
John Alexander wed Mary Tanner 29 Sept 1696

Ann Alexander wife of Thomas Alexander is mentioned in Joane Stedman's Will made 24 Jan 1670 and Proved in 1672.

Will of Ann Alexander 1686/6

Intestate Statement appears to be made by John Alexander and Ann Skelton,
daughter of the deceased

This family is long term residents of Tetbury.
The groups are difficult to reconcile with the Bigland Memorials. The solution appears to be that Robert Summers married Ester Alexander, the daughter of John, and sister of Daniel.

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671 and 1672 John Alexander on Overseers list
Oct 1671 and 1672 Widow Alexander 7 hearths Church Street

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 T 2/1 30-Aug 1653 John Alexander named as Feoffee, in Deed relating to Ezekial King's house in Gumstool St
D 566 T 2/1 30-Aug 1653 Thomas Alexander named as Feoffee, in Deed relating to Ezekial King's house in Gumstool St
D 566 B 2/12 17-Jul 1714 Daniel Alexander was paid 2-10-0 being Collis' boy's apprentice money
D 566 B 2/12 05-Jun 1714 Daniel Alexander mentioned
D 566 B 2/12/1 23-Nov 1717 John Alexander attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 04, John Alexander house 3-0-0
Page 05, Samuel Alexander dwelling 4-0-0
Page 15, Samuel Alexander land 5-10-0
Page 08, Widow Alexander house owned by Mr Merwent
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Daniel Alexander column 4

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Samuel 58, his wife 55, and two children, Thomas 18, Ann 14
Daniel 60, his wife Mary 55, and two children, Samuel 26, Mary 24
Daniel 34, his sister Esther 28,
Not in Census Brigit 47, widow of John

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Daniel p13, Samuel Senior p1, Samuel Junior p1

Ted Prince research for 1735
Daniel and Samuel Alexander
Both Presented at Court Leet by the Town Jury
for erecting posts or rails in the streets or waste ground
- to be removed by Nov 5 on penalty of �2 each.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Alexander Samuel House 1.05&w 2cd- ch4
He 1678 - 42Wife 1680 - 44 Mary 1710 -38 Samuel 1713 - 45
AlexanderDanielHouse 13.06&w 2cd- pr4
He 1676 - 58 Mary 1680-38 Samuel 1706 Mary 1710 - 58
Alexander Daniel House 19.14& his Sister-ch2
He 1701 - 62Esther 1707 -

In Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1741-9
1742-3, Ratepayers in Tetbury, rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 54, Daniel Alexander 1-18-00
Page 425 Apr 1747 Daniel Alexander Ratepayer of Tetbury

In Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1750-9
Listing by streets is a new feature. Rate set at 4/- in the Pound 1754,
36 Church Street Upwards, Daniel Alexander 1-18-0
37 Church Street Upwards, Daniel Alexander 3-4-0 for late Mr Summers

01-Apr 1754 Daniel Alexander received 5/- allowance each 4 weeks
20-May 1754 Daniel Alexander received 2/3 allowance each 4 weeks
23 Jan 1758 Daniel Alexander received 6/- allowance each 4 weeks
26 June 1758 D Alexander buried 6/- coffin made by Thomas Witchell
20-May 1754 Samuel Alexander being ill received 2/-

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1746 Town Jury Daniel Alexander for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 M3 1746 - 417 members of the Court Leet Page 11 Daniel Alexander
Annual Langstrom and Maltby Charity money D 566 R 1/22 26-Dec 1749 Daniel Alexander received 1/-
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 6.2 Daniel Alexander
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 4.1 Thomas Alexander
Langstom and Maltby Charity, D 566 R 1/7 at Christmas
  Dec 1767 Samuel Alexander Column 2, received 6d
  Dec 1773 Samuel Alexander Column 4, received 6d

Bigland Recorded Tombsone Memorial
On the North Wall of the South Cloister,
In memory of Thomas Alexander,
a lover of learning, truth and virtue,
who died December 4th, 1806 aged 68 years
And of Ann his wife who died Jan 3 1804 aged 74
Search the Scriptures in hope of glory, honour and immortality.
In the churchyard, on Robert Carpenter's headstone
Mary their daughter, relict of S Alexander, died 19 Sept 1785 aged 77.
On Robert Summer's tomb
John Alexander was buried June 30 1733.
Mary his wife died Jany 16 1722 aged 51.
Daniel their son died Febr 28 1762 aged 62.
John their son died 1722

Abigail Alexander 1700 - 17780915, married 17221118 to Joseph Hobbs 16930206 - 17600415 son of Joseph, and baptised John 17230814 - 17360309 aged 12, Mary 17280102.

Daniel Alexander was paid 2-10-0 being Collis' boy's apprentice money reference D 566 B 2/12 dated 17-Jul 1714

Daniel Alexander 16760404 - 17580610 son of Samuel, aged 82, buried a wife 1704 and second wife Mary was buried 17381015. He baptised Sarah born Oct 5 on 17061029, Elizabeth 17080307 - 17220506, and Samuel 17090821, buried children 17101017, 17101123, 17140620, and William was buried 17220509, 3 days after Elizabeth.

Daniel Alexander 17010305 - 17620302, son of John was buried aged 61.

Will of Daniel Alexander 1762/45

Will signed 15 Jan 1762 and Proved 12 April 1762
To Robert Summers, my brother in law, the 30 pounds he owes me at present is to be paid to my neice Mary Summers, eldest daughter of Robert Summers.
To my sister Abigail Hobbs, widow to pay 1 shilling and sixpence a week to her during her natural life.
Remainder of my estate to my neices Mary Summers and Elianor Summers, daughters of Robert Summers, and I appoint them sole executrix.

Hester Alexander 1691 - 17400121 aged 48, married 17170421 to Thomas Gouldin, 16941227 - 17761126, son of Thomas & Elizabeth at Cirencester aged 83, baptised Hester 17171029 died, Ann 17180112 - 17230428 died of Smallpox aged 5, Hester 17191029 lived 9 days, buried Child 17210420, baptised Thomas 17260210 - 17380122 aged 11, Hester 17271126 - 17720905 aged 44, Sarah 1729 - 17341108 aged 4, Patience 17320206 - 17380315 aged 5, and Jane 17331222 - 17340101 lived 10 days.
9 births and the only the sixth born survived childhood, lived 44 years.

John Alexander was buried 17141107.

John Alexander was in the group of 43 who attended the Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups on 23-Nov 1717

John Alexander buried his wife Mary 17220617 aged 52. He baptised Abigail 1700 (wed Joseph Hobbs), Daniel 17010305 (left a Will dated 15 Jan 1762), Esther 17070629 (wed Robert Somers) and John 17131225.
John Alexander died of Smallpox buried 17230217.

John Alexander married 17150131 to Briget Huggins and buried a Child 17170207.
John Alexander was buried 17330620.

Mary Alexander 1700 - 17580126 married as 3rd wife on 17301030 to John King 16810707 - 17410626, son of Francis, and buried her son John 17380316.

Mary Alexander, who could be a daughter of Samuel, baptised her base son, William, on 17660710.

Samuel Alexander buried his wife 17150122, his Child 17180320 and was himself buried 17250114.

Samuel Alexander Junior 1708 - 17850916 aged 77, married 17370220 to Mary Carpenter, baptised 17080502, daughter of Robert. No children's baptisms are recorded. Mary Alexander was buried on 17380115.

Thomas Alexander born about 1738 does not fit into my families, unless he is a son of Samuel and Mary.

Widow Alexander was buried on 17071012.
Widow Alexander was buried on 17180608.

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