People of Tetbury in 1735

Gregory, Griffin, Griffith, Grimes, Griste, Guest, Gugley, Gullott, Gunner,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.


Edward Gregory, of Painswick, buried his daughter Sarah on 17610318.
Sarah died from Smallpox.

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
2 Charlton Rev Mr Gregory 11-0-0 or occupier
9 Upton Rev Mr Gregory 13-5-0
52 Long Street, downwards Rev Mr Gregory 7.16.0 Thomas's and Elises'


Sarah Griffin named John Hayward labourer as father of her female child born 20 Dec 1789, and he was bonded to pay 1/- a week plus 20/- for her laying-in expenses, she was bonded to pay 6 pence a week or support the child. The Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor records, Reference P328a OV 5/4 dated 01 Apr 1790.


Moses Griffith was buried on 17031111.

Grime, Grimes

The Hearth Tax families in nearby places
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
1671 Avening Widow Grimes Discharged
1672 Avening William Grime Discharged

Elizabeth Grimes wed John Swine 23 Feb 1689
Ann Grimes was buried on 17010108.
Archibald Grimes baptised his son William on 17010705.
John Grime baptised his daughter Johnnet on 17080715 and son John 17110701.
Mary Grimes was married on 17150918 to John Turner.
Thomas Grimes baptised his son William on 17200703.
James Grimes was married on 17260827 to Hester Webb
William Grime was married on 17280422 to Sarah Grime, and buried her on 17281224.
Widow Grim was buried on 17250918.

Griste, Guest

The family has 14 entries. Frances Guest wed Robert Watkins 26 Mar 1706
Mary Gest wed James Cleaver 13 Apr 1710

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671 John Guest 1 Poor Discharged by Certificate
Oct 1672 John Guest Poor On Overseers list

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 12, Guest, house owned by Robert Ind
D 566 R 1/6 Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor
23-Apr 1725 Widow Guest received 1/6 and Widow Guest received 5/-
24-Dec 1726 wenches of Guest received 5/- and Widow Guest received 2/6

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Henry 41, his wife Mary 40 and son William 10
Grace 63
Not in Census Henry Guest 40, the younger, is the servant of Mrs Deacon

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Page 2 1741 Widow Guest Payments each 4 weeks 04-00
Beginning April 26 - May 24, 1742,
Page 64 Widow Guest Receive Monthly allowance, 04-00

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Guest Mrs Grace 1672-44 House 5.03* 1lg2ch
Guest Henry of CHARLTONHouse 26.18 &w *1cd1Ch 3pr
He 1694-67Mary 1679-58William 1725-

Ann Guest was buried on 17270306 and maybe her sister Jane Guest on 17271130.

John Guest buried a child 16971229 and baptised Robert 16990105, Katherine 17010128, buried Elizabeth 17030827 and baptised Welthin 17070515 - 17250919 aged 16. John is not mentioned in the Registers after 1707.

Widow, Grace Guest was buried 17440414.

There are two men named Henry Guest. The first was born 1694, married Mary Terril 17241206 and he buried his wife Mary 17580727, when her age was given as 79, making her born in 1679 and 15 years older than her husband (this seems doubtful if William is a child of their marriage). Henry was buried 17670417 aged 73 of Shipton.

Mary Griste was married on 17200221 to Zacharias Andrews

The second Henry Guest was born 1695 and buried 17720217 aged 77, formerly Mrs Deacon's servant (Mary Deacon died 17690302 aged 84y). He married Lydia Parker 17690406.

Lydia Guest married Thomas Terrill 17721015 and he buried her 17730729 aged 65, so she was born in 1708 and possibly William Parker's daughter.

Will of Henry Guest 1772/36

Henry's Will is the first and only one I found with the Inventory folded inside it
Will made 27 Apr 1769, and Proved by Lydia Guest on 13 June 1772
I appoint my dear wife Lydia Guest to be whole and sole executrix, to whom after payment of my just debts and funeral expenses I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects.

The Appraiser, James Parker signed his statement 13 June 1772

Household goods of all sorts    5 .. 15 .. 6
Debts good and bad   6 .. 10 .. 0
Lumber   1 ..  2 ..  6
   13 .. 8 ..  0

William Guest married Elizabeth Price 17430522, who may be the twin daughter of Shadrack baptised 17040207. William's wife was buried by the Parish 17860124 and he was buried 17881105. They may have had a son Thomas, who baptised William Henry 17680414 and Mary 17700126.


In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1746 Town Jury Elizabeth Gugley for late Thomas Chamberlin's house, erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges Elizabeth Gugley for late Thomas Chamberlin's house, erecting posts or rails before their respective doors To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
41 Church Street Upwards Elizabeth Gugly 2-0-0 or occupier


James Gullott buried his wife on 17010421.


Ralph Gunner, of Badgeworth, buried his son, Benjamin, on 17420630.

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