People of Tetbury in 1735

Rogers, Rodgers, Rooms, Roque, Rose,
Ross, Round, Rouss, Rowe, Rowland, Ruddy,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.

Rodgers, Rogers

Edith Rogers wed John Browning 2 Oct 1662
Mary Rogers wed Christopher Stowers 24 July 1671
Anne Rodgers wed John Hall 13 July 1713

Will of Agnes Rogers 1664/1

Will written on 14 Oct 1663, and is Proved in 1664
Names are difficult to read. She mentions her daughter Katherine, who gets her house, son John Hobbs and his daughter Sarah, Edward Hall

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/1 04-Jul 1694 Samuel Rogers served as Apprentice to Samuel Rogers

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Mary 44, her son Lewis 10 and her two Servants
Not in Census Samuel 26, Thomas 17, and Samuel 15

Ted Prince research for 1735
Mary Rogers
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for laying dung in the
streets before her door. To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of 5s

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Rodgers Mary House 22.14 * 1cd - sv2 ch4
She 1691-29 Lewis 1725-

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 12 Samuel Rogers
D 566 B 35A 07-Mar 1753 James Rogers employed at 1/- to keep infected cattle out of the Faire
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 4.1 Samuel Rogers
D 566 R 2/2 04-Jul 1754 Mrs Rogers paid 2/6, attended third meeting of Society to raise money to build new church
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 4.1 James Rogers, Page 4.1 Samuel Rogers
P328a OV 3/2/1 21-Oct 1771 William Rogers Hester and Mary delivered to Malmesbury 23 Nov 1771 by John Baily

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 01-May 1749 Alice Rogers received 7/6 allowance each 4 weeks
On 04-Mar 1754 Samuel Roger at Bristol paid 10/-
On 09-Sep 1754 Alice Rogers was paid 8/8

James Rogers 16960113 -, son of Samuel, baptised his son James 17290326 and buried him three days later. He does not appear again in the Tetbury Registers.

Nathaniel Rodgers is appointed a Trustee in Joseph Shillam's Will dated 9 Aug 1681

Margaret Rodgers, Widow, was buried 17100805.
Mary Rodgers, Widow, was buried 17300222.

Mary Rogers 17411031 - 17670501 daughter of Samuel, married 17641011 to William Terril, baptised Edward Rogers 17650426.

Sarah Rogers married 17611102 to Benjamin Ackland.

Samuel Rogers, Poor child of Tetbury with father as Apprentice with Master Samuel Rogers to teach him the trade of Slater reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 4-Jul 1694

Samuel Rogers 1670 - 17280316 and his first wife 1672 - 17180824 baptised James 16960113, Margaret 17040327, Samuel 17090210 - 17400920 aged 31, and Lewis 17160528 lived 5 weeks.
He married 17220624 to Mary Bell 1698, and baptised Lewis 17250510. His widow Mary was buried 17390323.

Samuel Rogers Junior, 17200612, son of Thomas, baptised Thomas 17390927 - 17591109 aged 20, buried Samuel 17400921, baptised twins 17411031 Anne died and Mary, James 17441130 - 17640308 aged 19, Ann 17470127 - 17610304 and Sarah 17500507-17610524 both died of Small Pox, Samuel 17550110 - 17600429 aged 5, Edward 17560726 lived 10 months, Edward 17590128 and Ann 17610412 lived 3 years.
10 children and two survived.

Thomas Rogers 1685 - 17350223 and his wife Mary 1692 - 17300222 baptised Mary 17160716 -17230314, Smallpox, Thomas 17180402, and Samuel 17200612

Will of Mary Rogers 1739/209

Intestate statement made 4 Dec 1739 by Thomas Rodgers saying he is the 'widow and relict' of Mary Rodgers deceased.

Thomas Rodgers buried his son James 17410829.

William Rogers married 17680905 to Hester King and baptised Mary 17700805.

William Rogers, his wife Hester and and daughter Mary were delivered to Malmesbury 23 Nov 1771 by John Baily, a month after the removal order was signed, reference P328a OV 3/2/1 dated 21-Oct 1771


The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671 Tetbury Richard Roomes 1 hearth, Poor Discharged by Certificate

Henry Rooms buried his wife 17190118.


Basil Roque of Hampton Court, baptised Susanna 17350128.


In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
03-Oct 1748, Page 509 Abigail Rose nursed man with Small Pox


William Ross buried his son Thomas 17520407.


James Round of Shipton Mallet, was buried 17651107.


Giles Rouss was buried 17160807.


William Rowe baptised William 17161104.


The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 Widow Rowland 2 hearths Ladyday Chargeable
Oct 1671, Oct 1672 John Rowland 1 hearth, Poor Discharge Certificate
page 84, Oct 1672 John Rowland Poor On Overseers list

John Rowland was buried 17050413.
Margaret Rowland married on 17240406 to Christopher Bleak.


The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1672 Tetbury Widow Ruddy 1 hearths Little Silver Street

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